chapter twenty four.

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excuse any mistakes.

𝐊𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐮 𝐘𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐫 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐛𝐬

"Bye, Naja," Skyler waved to one of her friends. Right when she got in the car, she said, "Daddy, you won't believe what happened today."

"Wassup Princess? What happened?" He asked as Skyler gave him a hug before sitting down.

"Do you remember Justin?" Skyler asked while struggling with her seatbelt. Keanu reached over, helping her secure it in place.

"Yeah I remember him. Why? What happened?" He asked driving out of the car rider line.

"Remember when I told you that Zuri likes Justin? Well, today, Justin acted really weird to Zuri. They always talk in class cause they sit together, but not today then at recess, Justin's friend Nico came and said he knows Zuri likes Justin and Justin knows too so Zuri got mad at me and Amayah cause we were the only ones there. Journey didn't come to school today cause she's not feeling well, but Zuri didn't think it was her cause they're best friends. Now, Zuri's mad at me and Amayah, because she thinks we told Justin she likes him, but we didn't. Journey is the only other one Zuri told about her crush on Justin, but we didn't tell him that."

Keanu couldn't help but laugh at the drama. "Man yall are only in first grade stuff like this wasn't happening until I was in third grade. So what? You think Journey told Justin that?"

"Uh-huh!" Skyler nodded. "If it wasn't Journey, then maybe Journey told somebody, and that person told him. That's not nice cause Zuri said she doesn't want anyone to know and me and Amayah tried to tell Zuri that we didn't do it but she didn't want to listen so now she's mad at us and Amayah is sad but I don't care if Zuri's mad at us, I know what I did and didn't do."

"What Amayah sad for?" Keanu scrunched his face up "Zuri gone come around. Watch when she find out bout Journey being the one who told him and she gone come running to yall apologizing."

"Dad I don't like it when people think I'm lying; I don't have any reason to lie and I'm a super nice friend I'd never do that. She doesn't trust me and Amayah, and I can't be friends with someone who doesn't trust me and I'm telling her that I don't want her coming to my party."

"You see why I tell you to not like any boys? They don't bring nothing but problems. See?"

"Daddy, please, this is Journey's fault."

"Is it really Journey's fault if y'all should've been worried 'bout books and school instead of boys?" Keanu questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm not worried about boys." Skyler insisted, crossing her arms.

"Good, leave that for after you graduate college." Keanu advised with a smirk.

"Tete said I could have a boyfriend in middle school." Skyler added, looking pleased with this piece of information.

"Don't listen to her." Keanu shook his head. "You want Chick-fil-A? Whatchu want to eat?"

"I want Chick-fil-A. I want a milkshake."

"You get a milkshake from there every day, You gone turn into a milkshake, Princess."

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