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After a little bit Daniel came out and went up to the girls and said "alright girls, I'm done." You and Blake said "ok." And got up and right as you were about you leave you heard Blake say "oh, wait! Ollie, can I borrow your book for a sec?" He nodded and gave her his book. She wrote something in it and said "alright. Ones for you and one for Ben." She smiled and walked out with you and Daniel. Ollie looked at his book and inside it said:
Blake's cell 323-175-6438
Y/n's cell ***-***-****

Ollie smiled and said "i can't wait to be twenty."

While you guys were driving out of the garage, with Blake on the left you in the middle and Daniel on the left all in the back seat, everything started shaking and the car alarms started going off, then Blake said "it's an earthquake!" Daniel looked at her then yelled at the driver "GO! GET US OUT OF HERE!" Then the driver started going faster, then right as you were about to make it out the ground caved in causing the car to go down to the next level and crash. The driver was trying to move the car when a bunch of the ceiling fell on the front of the car killing the driver and trapping Blake's legs. She screamed in pain and started crying along with you balling your eyes out. Then Blake looked at what used to be the driver, "Oh my god! He's dead!" Then Daniel tried calming you guys down, and you all tried pushing the seat to free Blake's legs, but that didn't work. Daniel got out of the car and went over to Blakes side, he looked at it then heard screams coming from the rest of the building, he looked back at you guys and said "alright, I'm gonna go and get help, okay?" You and Blake looked at him in horror and both of you started telling him no, " No Daniel!" Blake said then you said "Please don't leave us!" He said something you couldn't quit ketch and ran up stairs. You and Blake sat there in shock, he just left you. You and Blake tried pushing the seat again and failing. You looked at her then got out and went over to her side and tried pushing the concrete up, but you weren't strong enough.  It started shaking again and you fell over, and just your luck some of the ceiling fell on your lower half and you felt a sharp pain around to us stomach area. Blake screamed your name and started crying, you looked at her and said "Blake, I'm fine! Okay?" She looked at you again and nodded.

After about 2 minutes you both started screaming for help but you stoped because you were feeling dizzy and just payed there, soon Ben and Ollie came rushing threw the door to the stairs and ran over to Blake, Ollie saw you and went over to you, at that point all you were focusing on was keeping your eyes open. Ben called for Ollie to help him get Blake out but Ollie said "what about y/n? She's stuck too." Ben looked at you and the car started to collapse, he looked at Blake then back to you and said " Ollie, we will get her in a minute. Blake is about to be crushed." Ollie looked at you then at Blake and got up to go help Ben. As soon as his figure left your vision, you fell unconscious.

Meanwhile Ben and Ollie tried prying the concrete of the car but failed, they tried to use that car jack, failed, then. En popped the tires, at the last second they got Blake out. Ollie rushed over to you and saw you were unconscious, "Ben! Y/n won't wake up!" That got Blake's attention and they all rushed over to you and tried to get the concrete of with no avail. Blake tried to wake you up and after a while you opened your eyes, but you felt so dizzy. They finally got the concrete off, as they were pulling it off you felt a really bad pain by your stomach. They helped you get up and Blake saw a fresh blood stain by your stomach and you saw that you where cut by one of the metal rods. ( i can't remember what they are called) it wasn't a bad cut, it was more of a deep scratches, but it hurt. After you got out of the building Blake suggested that you call your parents, so you guys went to find an electronics store and found one. You got inside and Blake said to look for a landline, you saw a calculator on the counter and followed the cord to the landline. "Blake I found one." She rushed over and brought a phone with her. She called the fire & rescue and your dad answered. You got up to go find something to cover up the cut, you didn't know but Ollie followed you.

Yay second chapter! Sorry it took me so long to write it, I had to rewatch the movie then forgot and repeated that till I gave up and went by memory. I will probably update this story on Mondays but please check out my other stories if you haven't read them yet. They are probably trashy but I try. Love you byeeeee!

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