05. Our Chapter Is Over

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"Our Chapter Is Over" 

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"Our Chapter Is Over" 

I hadn't moved from the spot that I had sat in last night. I had still been shaking with fear with every movement that was made in the house, whether it was the creaking of the stairs or just a slam of a door, I did not dare move.

I had watched the sun set and the sun rise, that was how long I had been awake for. The fear was stuck inside my body, afraid that if I made a movement, something could go wrong. Someone could come and get me, and that I would have no chance of getting out. Every time I blinked, my eyes drew closer and closer together, but I didn't dare ever shut them. 

How could I, when this was supposed to be a house that I felt safe and loved in? That was what I had grown up knowing. The little girl in me that had written her mom and dad down on the sheet of people she would go to if she needed a port of call for help. The same little girl that had once been brave, has now, shrunken down into the bones of the older girl that sits on her bed, wondering who she can and can't trust. 

I know that I can't trust my own family. I wasn't so sure about my friends, but they hadn't bailed out on me yet. Unlike the ones that I had made through sports. Some of them were nice, but majority weren't. They were the ones that tore me down, before I left again, just for it to happen over and over again. 

Hearing a door slam, I shuddered. That had been the fifth one this morning. I was sure that Elijah must have been the first one, at 3am this morning. I was sure that my father had been the one that followed him, 2 hours later, while my older sisters would have been the one that followed those two. I was so sure that my mother would have been the second one that had followed after my sisters, within 5 minuets of each other. 

As far as I was aware, it was just me and Sebastian in the house, which made everything worse. I had been left alone, in a house, with the brother that had tried to strangle me last night. A tightness in my chest filled my entire body at this thought. I didn't know for sure if he had actually left already, but I had feeling he wouldn't have. He was probably in bed, texting some girl about what they could do next together. 

I was beyond being grossed out about what my brother did. I was beyond most feelings at this point in life. Feeling nothing was better than feeling everything.  Taking a deep breath in, then releasing it, I pushed my tired body off my bed, and into the usual routine. 

For some reason, trying to fall back into my usual routine this morning, made everything worse. I didn't know what came first or what happened after something. I was a frantic mess, trying to sort through all of my thoughts, that just never stopped running. How unsafe I was, not only being alone by myself, but now in the building that I was in. 

Feeling a little dizzy, I made my way into my bathroom, taking a look at my appearance. I had no idea what I was going to be doing today, as I knew that I had no way to get to school. There was no way that I was involving any of my family members in this. Neither of my friends can drive, as the two of them just turned 15 about 4 months ago. 

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