07. If I Get Too Close

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"If I Get Too Close"

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"If I Get Too Close"

Immediate panic filled my entire body when I awoke to no one, in an unfamiliar house. A house that I should have immediately remembered, but I didn't. Guilt followed the panic that I was feeling. I knew that I had woken up here before, in this house, recently at least, but not alone. 

I was in a different spot to last time. I was on a couch, with someone that used to be my entire world, but now, I wasn't so sure if there was more to it than I wanted it to be. From the recent small moments we had shared either on the phone, in the car, or on the couch earlier, something felt different between the two of us and I just couldn't place it. 

We used to always share beds, when we would go on holidays, or there was plenty of photos from when we were about 5 or 6 when I sat in his lap because I was the smallest and couldn't be seen if he didn't sit me there. But now, that I think about those moments, they mean the world to me and no one can compare to Teddy for some reason. 

I'm not even sure if he wants me to call him Teddy anymore, as he may have finally resorted to be calling Ted, and Ted only. He had always hated Edward, as it reminded him of his parents that died in a boat accident one late afternoon on a lake. It wasn't the normal lake we had been going to for years, but that ended every single summer we had had at our lake houses that were side by side. 

That was the only thing that had made my childhood somewhat great in some aspects. Going to the lake used to be our thing, until it wasn't. I loved being able to jump off the boat and being towed around on the floaties. There were usually no parents around, or well until Hugo could drive the boat with his license. 

I guess it was the freedom, of not having to come back, and at the time, training wasn't a big thing for me. It was scary as how before I knew it, in two years, two people could be dead and I would be standing there, in a black dress, remembering all the good times I had had with the Wilson parents. 

They had always been my second parents, and would always be better than my own parents. "Sunshine?" a voice questioned, sending a shiver down my back as a light was turned on. Rolling over, I was met with someone familiar, but he no longer looked like the scruffy boy that I had known him to be. I had barely noticed him when I had climbed into the car after what my brother had done to me yesterday. 

Or I guess it happened yesterday. I wasn't sure how long I had been out. "Silas?" I questioned, looking at the boy, who just smiled back at me. He had always called me Sunshine, and for a while, so had Hugo and everyone else. It was weird to hear it now, but it reminded me of the little girl that never used to be so scared of the people that was around her all the time. 

"Come have a look at your boy" the way he said my boy, and gestured me to follow him, made me feel like I was at the lake house again, but I knew I wasn't because I wasn't that same bright, smiley girl that would take everything on the chin. I didn't have a boy, because I no longer knew the person that I stared back at, craving the comfort he so effortlessly emitted towards me. 

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