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chapter two!! read, vote, comment and enjoy!!


I hear footsteps walking down the hall, becoming louder and louder. I quickly turn to my side, feigning sleep, ignoring the demons awaking inside.

They walk closer to me, footsteps stopping, silence in the air, before laying a hand on my shoulder as I resist the urge to flinch. They can't know. They can't know. They can't know.

"Emmaline, wake up." It's Kieran.

I turn over, rubbing my eyes, looking at him, scrunching my nose, before stopping. No emotions, no expressions. Don't get too close.

"Right, anyways, go clean up and come downstairs for breakfast." He gives me a small smile, hair swept to the side as if he was giving a surfer boy vibe, which strangely fits him, before leaving.

Breakfast. That's all I'm thinking about as I brush my teeth. How am I supposed to eat when I can't? The most I was able to eat was dog food and cat food, not human food.

I eventually went downstairs to find pancakes ready at the table, everyone already eating.

 Wilson in his crisp black suit, blank face, sat at the head of the table, naturally. Kieran, dressed in a similar outfit as Wilson, but suit jacket unbuttoned, was to his left. To his left was Romero who held his trademark boredom in his eyes, face marred by a permanent scowl, dressed in a black hoodie with a black leather jacket on top. Besides him was Elijah with nothing in his eyes, dressed in grey sweats. .

There's an empty seat on Wilson's right, which I was thankful for because I had no desire to see the terror two.

I sit down next to Wilson, who gives me a brief nod, before pushing a plate of pancakes towards me. I gulped, knowing I would be sinning. I was a sinner like Adam. He could not eat from the tree, just like I could not eat food at all.

If I ate, it wouldn't be to the snake I would be given to. But I had to eat so they would never know. If it meant the past had to be hidden, the poisonous bite was a must.

I slowly ate, cutting the pancake into pieces, one by one, ignoring the stares from most likely Wilson and Kieran, who probably wanted to see if I was eating.

I ignored my protesting stomach, the whips I could feel on my skin, opening wounds, ignoring the memories threatening to spill, the voice hissing at me

Sinner! Sinner!

And finally, finally, I finished eating, much to my relief, as the pain faded, and the voices dying.

I drink a glass of water, about to go to my room when I was stopped by Wilson. "Emmaline, why are you wearing the same clothes from yesterday?"

I turned around, facing him and his blank eyes that matched mines so well, replying, "I don't have any other clothes."

"What do you mean?" This time it was Kieran, who instead didn't have the same guard as Wilson, judging by the caution in his eyes.

"The house burned down after my mother overdosed, and all of my clothes were burned away."

Mother dearest burned my clothes, while I was wearing them. This was the only pair I had left.

"Alright that just means we're taking you to the mall today. Kieran, can you?"

"Sorry Wilson, I got some urgent stuff today." Kieran shook his head, regret on his face, biting his lips.

"Romero, Elijah," he turned to them, stern, hidden threat in his voice "Take Emmaline shopping, and come back with her. Okay?"

"Okay." Romero gritted through his teeth.

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