chapter 6 👑

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"His Royal Highness, you have to wake up now; you have a meeting to attend today," the bodyguard stood beside the royal bed of the third prince. He had been trying to wake up the little prince for the past hour, but the younger was not budging. The prince usually wakes up at 7 am, but today it's half-past 9, and the prince has no intentions of waking up.

All the maids gave up long ago and called the bodyguard to wake him up himself, but the prince was not moving at all, lying like a dead body. However, the bodyguard was aware that the prince has been wide awake since 7 am, just pretending to sleep. He judged this by the constant blinking of the prince's eyes while being close.

"His Royal Highness, please wake up," Taehyung again called the younger, but to no avail; all his voices were falling on deaf ears.

It's easy to wake up a sleeping person but impossible to wake up an awake person.

Taehyung shut his eyes and fisted his fingers, speaking, " Ba....Baby, wake up; you are getting late."

The prince instantly opened his eyes and sat on his bed.

"Good morning, hyungie," he smiled widely, grinning ear to ear, displaying his bunny teeth as if he has won the world.

"What are you doing, hyungie? We are getting late. Call all the noonas quick; I have to get ready. Why didn't you wake me up early?" the prince rambled.

"I was waking you up for the past hour, Your Royal Highness."

The prince looked right and left. "I don't see any RoYal HiGhNeSs here; only your baby is present here," the prince replied while still grinning.

The breath of the bodyguard hitched. "I..."
Not able to form the sentence, he looked everywhere but at the bold prince, tips of his ears turning red. He touched his ear.
"Call... a maid," he somehow made a sentence and rushed outside while the prince giggled.

"My shy hyungie," he giggled again while clutching his plushie to his heart.

Soon, the maids arrived, and the prince got ready without throwing any tantrums for the very first time. He was in the best mood today since his hyungie called him baby, even if it was forced.

The prince was wearing a white shirt with black dress pants today, fitting him perfectly and enhancing his curves.

The bodyguard stood beside him in his stoic posture, looking forward.

"Hyungie, how am I looking?" the prince asked the older.

"Good, Your High-"

"Don't you dare," the prince cut the bodyguard in mid-sentence with a glare and a huge pout decorating his face.

"And compliment me while looking at me; you didn't see me and complimenting, liar," the prince cutely complained.

When the bodyguard didn't look at the prince, the prince grabbed the face of the elder with his chubby hands and forced him to look at him. Doe eyes met sharp eyes, and the world stopped around them.

"You are looking beautiful," the bodyguard breathed out, his eyes showing honesty.

"Complete the sentence," the prince said while still his hands on the face of the elder.

"You are looking beautiful... baby," the bodyguard completed his sentence with great difficulty.

He was regretting his decision of completing the wish of the younger.

The prince grinned ear to ear and started giggling. He ran from his chamber to go outside and meet his maids, out of which a 50-year-old lady was standing.

The prince ran to her and hugged her. "Hyungie called me beautiful, ajumma," the prince said shyly, feeling shy by the compliment; his heart was racing. The old lady lovingly patted the hair of the younger. She had been serving the prince since he was a mere 7-year-old boy and was a mother figure to him.

"Well, it's no doubt; our prince is the prettiest," the lady said while the prince was still hugging her.


The prince was sitting in the boring meeting held by his brother, the crown prince of the Kingdom of Korea. All important ministers, including the prime minister, financial minister, minister of external affairs, defense minister, and the second prince, were present in the meeting.

The hall was surrounded by heavy security, and all the important matters were being discussed.

The third prince didn't hold any specific position in decision-making now, but he must participate in the meetings to be aware of the matters of his country; it would help him in the future.

However, the third prince had no interest in such matters; he was bored in the meeting, and his phone was also confiscated before entering the meeting.

He looked everywhere to find anything interesting when his eyes landed on the most interesting thing in this world—his bodyguard Kim Taehyung, who was standing beside the prince with his patented frown and poker face.

"Is he a human or a god himself? How can he manage to look this godly while just existing?" the prince thought while staring at the soul of the elder. Knowing the evident glance of the prince, the bodyguard's breath hitched; he cleared his throat lightly for only the prince to hear. But the prince didn't budge and kept looking at him.


"We are going to meet Jenni noona," the prince announced.

"What?" the bodyguard asked in bewilderment.

The meeting had ended long ago. After the prince found his muse (i.e., Kim Taehyung), time flew away, and he came back to earth again when the meeting ended, and a deep, velvety voice told him that they were free to leave.

Now the prince had made up his mind to meet his favorite RJ Kim Jenni. He always wanted to meet her, and the second prince arranged a meeting between the two in the palace, but the prince wanted to meet her in her own place. He didn't want his idol to be intimidated by the royals all around. He wanted to comfortably sit and talk to her.

Bodyguard's Heartbeat (  ✅)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora