8. A service to humanity

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"The disaster sirens." Zack said, a cold finger ran down his spine.

"Quick, we gotta get outta here." Cathy grabbed the plastic card lying by Dr. Neville's body. "It's gonna rain soon. We gotta get out of sector 21 as quickly as possible." She rushed out of the garage and back into the house. She grabbed a knapsack and dashed into the kitchen. She started shoving the non-perishables and the few bottles of water into the bag from the overhead cabinets.

Clint stepped away from his wife and rushed after Cathy to help her pack up. "Clint!" Marie cried out. "You still haven't answered--"

"This is more important, Marie." Clint said as he disappeared into the kitchen.

He was right. This was important indeed. It was about their lives after all. She would have to wait until they were out of the obvious way of danger before they could clear the air on whether or not Nick's death had been an accident or--

"Mom?" Zack took her hand. "Where are we gonna go now?" He looked up at her, his deep blue eyes probing into hers.

Marie ruffled his hair, rather absently before it struck her. "That's right," she mumbled before rushing after Clint and Cathy pulling her son after her, "where the hell are we even gonna go?" She said.

Clint and Cathy were almost done packing. "Sector 24." Clint said.

"I'm going to find Dr. Neville's wife." Cathy said as she zipped up the knapsack. "I can't just leave her alone in her condition."

Clint frowned at her. "Are you sure about this?"

She nodded without hesitation. "I don't feel like leaving her alone...especially not while she is in such obvious need of help."

Clint sighed and nodded. Guilt was clawing at his heart. Yes, Neville had been infected. And yes, he was doomed to die. Yet murder was still murder. He sighed again. "You know the address?" He asked.

Cathy nodded. "Dr. Neville told me." She said. "I gotta get there ASAP or else--"

"We are coming with you." Marie said before Clint could offer to help.

Cathy looked at them. "You don't have to, you know?" She said. "I mean, I was the one who promised Dr. Neville. You guys already have each other to worry about--"

"We want to do this, Cathy." Clint said. "Let's not waste any more time and let's get going."

There was another crack of thunder. They all winced.

"But even if we give Mrs. Neville the card in time, how would we be able to get to Sector 24?" Zack said. "It's going to rain in 21, 22, 23 as the radio announcement had said."

"I don't think it would rain in all those sectors at the same time." Clint said. "We might have a day or two of time to run. It's just a guess but it is plausible." He shrugged.

"We should focus on getting the card to Neville's wife for now." Marie said. "After that we can keep driving through the night and head out to the inter-sector roads and get to sector 25 before tomorrow evening. Maybe earlier if we find a car with a full tank."

Another crack of thunder.

Cathy let out a sigh. "Let's go then." She grabbed her flare gun and tucked it under her shirt. She was about to tuck her pistol under her jacket when she remembered something.

Dad, she thought. She looked over at the screen door. The shadow had disappeared. She swallowed hard before putting on her gas mask. "You should put on yours too." She said to the Harrises as she walked over to the door. "I'm gonna open the door."

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