35. Meet the Chambers

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"Wake up, sleepyhead."

"Five more minutes."

"You've been saying that for the past fifteen minutes."

"This is the last one."

"Wake up, you idiot! Or you're gonna be late for the meeting!"

"Woah! Okay!" Clint sat up with a jerk.

He only saw a swirl of Marie's jet black hair, heard the rustling of her skirt before she disappeared back into the corridor. It was seven in the morning. He climbed out of bed and walked over to the window to let the sun warm his face. A host of sparrows were chattering away on the electric line outside.

It was still just half past seven. The traffic wasn't quite flooding the streets yet. He heard the clatter of pots and plates in the kitchen, hissing of hot oil on the pan. They were having eggs and bacon for breakfast today. He was certainly looking forward to that.

It took him about twenty minutes to brush his teeth and shower, another ten to get dressed. He was wearing a navy blue blazer over a dark blue shirt and dark khakis. It was casual but not too casual for a Wednesday. It was alright for the meeting he had in an hour.

He joined his wife and son at the dining table.

Marie had set his plate for him. Zack was almost halfway done with his breakfast.

"Good morning, dad!" Zack smiled.

"Morning, kiddo. Quite excited for school today, huh?" Clint took a bite of the bacon.

Zack leered at his dad. "Not exactly for school."

Clint raised an eyebrow.

"We are gonna buy Zack a new pair of studs today, remember?" Marie said as she brought over a bowl of potato salad and took her own chair.

Clint frowned. "Studs?"

"They are shoes worn while playing football, dad." He said.

"I thought I told you I was taking Zack to the market after school today." Marie said.

"I forgot, apparently."

Marie took a sip of her orange juice before saying, "You're thinking about today's meeting, aren't you?"



"A bit."

She took her hand in his. "Don't worry, honey. You've got this."

He smiled at her. "Thanks."

He rose to leave after finishing his breakfast. He kissed his wife goodbye, ruffled his son's hair and then walked out the door.

Old lady Ruben from their next door apartment had just walked up the stairs, lugging a cardboard box the size of a television. Looking at her old wrinkled face anyone could've told that the effort of heaving the box was certainly killing her back. Clint rushed to the rescue and put a hand under the box. "Careful there, Mrs. Ruben," he said with a disarming smile, "I know you work out but you don't have to show off like that."

The old woman actually blushed, smiling at him. "Oh, Mr. Chambers, always around to help out a damsel in distress." She chuckled, letting Clint take the box from her.

"You know, I'm just a regular boy-scout, Mrs. Ruben." He said.

"Gloria is such a lucky girl to have you." She said, her old and weathered face still blushing slightly.

"If only Gloria could agree." Clint sighed rather dramatically, giving a playful side-eye to Marie who was still standing in the doorway.

Marie rolled her eyes. "If only you could flirt with me like you do with Mrs. Ruben, Frank," she said just as playfully as Clint.

When the rains may come (Science Fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن