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"You've never been trick or treating before?!" Stu asked shocked after they brought it up.

"I never had a costume." Ivory admitted.

"We have to take her." Stu said.

''I think that's a great idea." Tiffany agreed.

"You do?" Chucky asked.

"Of course Chucky, every child deserves to have their fun on a holiday."

"It's settled then, Billy and I can take her trick or treating." Stu said excited.

"You will?" Ivory asked.

"Sure kid." Billy gave her a grin.

"Thank you thank you!" She said hugging them.

"See Billy, told you she's cute." Stu said.

"I never said she was dumba.."

Tiffany loudly cleared her throat and shot him a glare.

"Sorry." Billy said.

"Oh come on Tiff, we're slashers, it's ok for us to use those words." Chucky complained.

"Not with a child present Chucky." Tiffany snapped.

"Whatever, lets just eat and plan on getting a more comfortable chair in this place."

Later on Billy and Stu took Ivory to a store where there were so many Halloween costumes she didn't know where to start.

"Man, half of these costumes Tiffany will kill us if we buy for being too scary and the other half Chucky will kill us for making her look like a dork." Billy sighed.

"Doesn't matter, we can't win against them anyway." Stu shrugged.

"Can I help your little sister gentleman?" An elderly woman asked them.

Billy and Stu looked behind them but no one was there making them turn back to her and pointed to themselves confused.

The lady nodded.

"Um, yeah, our... sister needs a costume for Halloween." Billy played along.

"I have brothers?!" Ivory asked excited.

Stu quickly put his arm around Ivory and gave a nervous chuckle. "Kids say the funniest things. So huh, what do you got?"

Not too long after the three of them started walking back to Ivory's place with her costume in the plastic bag.

"That was too close." Billy mumbled.

Once they stopped to cross the street Ivory gave them both a big hug. "I always wanted brothers."

Billy and Stu looked at each other. How were they going to explain that it was a lie to get them out of an explanation that two unrelated guys were with a naive kid?

Stu just shrugged at Billy. "Guess we're brothers now." 

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