Chapter 65: A challenge

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"No!" They both exclaimed at the same time and gave each other a look.

Grandpa Xander lips parted a little as he stared at both of them.

"Grandfather, this is Mrs Avery Winfrey, and vice versa" Lucas said calmly.

"Hello Mr Xander. It's a pleasure meeting you" Avery greeted with a smile. Even with this man's old age, he look strong and have this strong Aura around him.

Grandpa Xander lips stretched up afterwards and he spoke again. "Oh my, you're Steven's granddaughter.. you've grown to look exquisite my Lady"

Lucas gave him a look. "Don't make her heart flutter with your lies Grandpa" he said lowly but Avery heard him.

"Says the man who doesn't reach half of my beauty" Avery said. Grandpa Xander smiled hearing this.. what a bold woman.

"Half your beauty, you say?" Lucas raised his brow at her.

Avery ignored him and face Grandpa Xander. "Sorry it's coming late, Happy birthday. I wish you more life" She smiled.

"I guess my clumsy grandson didn't let you know on time" Grandpa Xander said and they both chuckled while Lucas rolled his eyes. Chloe on the other hand was busy greeting some of the business partner she recognized.

Grandpa Xander led Avery to some of his friends, introducing her to them. Most of them were old. Avery turn to check on Lucas but didn't find him.

"Oh dear, I can't believe you look great even with your suit on" An elegant old woman came to pinch her cheek.

"Don't hurt the poor girl's cheek Rosalina" Grandpa Xander said holding her hand. "This is my wife" he introduced.

"Nice to meet you" She replied. Her eyes was getting dizzy already and she wants to leave. Seconds feels like hours as the kept on greeted people. Chloe is sure doing a big work.

"You should meet Luxury. Lucas younger sister" Rosalina said leading her to an elegant lady. She is just Avery's height having this unique round face. Her aura was calm. Their eye met and Avery forced a smile to her.

She wish she could just disappear out of here. How many people does she have to greet?

"Hi, I'm Luxury" She said in a calm voice, stretching her hand to shake her.

"Avery" Avery replied shaking her briefly.

"My big brother sure got eyes for women" Luxury said.

"Oh no, we are just business partner" Avery quickly said. Why does everyone thinks she is together with that punk?

Finally it was time for everyone to dance, Avery thought of using the opportunity to escape but someone appeared before her. She shot a glare at him. "Move"

"Can I dance with you Mrs Cold President?" Lucas asked.

"Ha.. why can't you just pick any random lady drooling over you?" Avery raised her brow.

"They are too beautiful to choose. Are you jealous" Lucas said sarcastically.

"Move" She glared.

"I'm not letting you leave until you dance with me" Lucas said.

"I don't mind bursting that little balls underneath your leg" She warned and Lucas turn confused. Balls.. what does she mean? It took him a while before he realized what she just said.

"Little?" He raised his brow.

Avery made to walk pass him but the man held her hand a drag her towards the dancing hall. She badly wanted to hit him but people were watching.

Before she could curse the man holding her, he grab her by the waist and pull her to himself.

"Hey!.." she made to scream at him.

"Shhh.. people are watching Mrs President. Don't make a bad image of yourself" Lucas said lightly, a smile gracing on his lips.

"I'm gonna kill you once this is over" Avery said on a low tone.

"Let's dance first, then we'll talk about the death of me" he replied and Avery could only clinched her jaw. A man had never held her this way.. well except for Robert.

Lucas led the slow dance and Avery followed his move reluctantly.

Grandpa Xander could only smile watching them, Rosalina had a knowing smile on her lips. The scene was beautiful to watch. Most ladies got jealous, they wanted to be the one dancing with Lucas. Why the hell is he dancing with a lady dressed in suit?

Chloe kept on squealing. This is just too good to watch.

"You're such a good dancer Mrs President, I'm impressed" Lucas smirked. He drag her close to himself. Avery swirl around twice before making herself fall into his arm.

"Don't flatter, I badly wanna kill you" Avery said lowly with hard look on her face.

"Why, because I'm not that handsome?" He asked making her standing again and drag her waist close. His beautiful Cologne hit her nose.

"You're keeping that word in mind? Sadly, that's the truth" she replied having a smirk on her face.

"Hmm.. first time I'll hear those word from a lady. We'll get to see if I'm attractive or not. I'll melt that cold heart of your Mrs President" He said with his face inches from hers.

"I'll see you try" Avery said and the music finally ended. "Bye, and the dance was awful" she spoke and began to walk towards the exit.

Lucas eyes never left her. No woman have ever challenged him this way and he felt thrilled.


Delphine sat impatiently and she waited in the quiet room. She jumped on her seat and look up when the door opened.

Chantel walked in elegantly. Delphine's lips parted, this will be the first time she'll set her eyes on this woman. She look more beautiful in life than on television.

Chantel sat before her with a calm look. Her aura was gentle enough to make the lady before her undisturbed. She believes this woman must have a reason to claim that she have a child for Calton. Delphine look lean, and somehow unclean. Is she doing this for money?

"I'm sorry I had to cause you trouble but I didn't have a choice. I needed to save my son" Delphine spoke first.

"Where and when did you meet Calton? Because he claimed not to remember you" Chantel said.

Delphine lower her head in sorrow. He doesn't recognize her?

"I'm not here because of Calton, I just need him to donate his blood for his son who is at the hospital fighting for his life" Delphine said and Chantel's eyes squinted.

"I asked you a question.. just go on and answer it" Chantel said.

Delphine took a deep breath and bit down her lips. "I can't tell you" she finally said after battling inwardly for a few seconds.

"Why not?" Chantel asked.

"Because I know you.. I know what you are going to do if you hear this. Calton is happy already and already have someone whom he loves. My story is going to tear them apart, and that is not my wish. All I need is just his blood and I'll disappear from his life" She said.

Chantel thought for a moment and then decided not to force the lady to talk. "Where is your son? I wanna see him"

After a long drive. They got to the hospital. Chantel was led to a ward and her face dropped when she saw a boy laying on the hospital bed with a mask on his face. A life supporting machine was beside him.

"He is just three years old" Delphine made a sad smile.

Chantel turn her gaze to her. "Three years?" She questioned with a frown and Delphine nodded. She return her gaze back to the young boy.

"My blood doesn't fit him.. so I had to find his father" Delphine said again but then Chantel spoke again.

"If this turn out to be all a lie. You'll face the consequences"

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