Chapter 68: Davidson

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Trevor glanced at Elsa who was sitting on his bed as he stepped into the room with a glass of water. Elsa have a cloth wrapped around her body as she kept on sobbing lightly.

"Are you going to keep crying all night?" He asked dropping the glass of water on the table beside her.

Elsa wiped the tears using the back of her hand. "Four year Trevor. We've been together for four years and he threw all of that away because of a mistake" she sniffed. Trying hard not to cry out loud.

"You have to let him go. I guess he doesn't love you the way you had thought. This should teach you a lesson. I never liked them before and I still don't" Trevor said beside her and she looked up to him.

"What do you mean?" Her voice came out raspy.

"My mother faced a lot because of Chantel. Outside, one would think she is a role model. But behind the mask she is putting on, lies the devil" Trevor said and Elsa looked away.

"I thought she sees me as her daughter but.. why.. I regret doing what I did that night. But I did that because I love him"

"Shh" Trevor placed his index finger on her lips and she looked up at him. "It's okay. Getting depressed over them is going to make you fall ill. And I don't want that to happen Elsa. You're a good person.. the best I mean" He said lightly, tucking the her hair behind ear. Their face was close.

"I can't help the pain growing inside me Trevor, I wish for my it to go away" she whispered. He stared at her for unmeasurable amount of time and slowly Lean down closer to her face.

As their lips almost touches, Elsa snapped back to reality and retreated her face.

"I.. I am sorry" Trevor quickly apologized.

"It's.. it's fine" Elsa said not looking at him.

"I'm deeply sorry" he apologized again.

"It's fine, I promise" Elsa looked at him this time and gave him a smile.

"Okay. The dinner is almost done. I'll bring it soon" he said.

"Your place seems nice" Elsa said with her eyes scanning the room, while Trevor stared at her. Not getting any reply, she looked at him.

Trevor cleared his throat and replied. "Yeah thanks. I better go before I burn down the whole house" they both chuckled and he went to the kitchen.


Calton sat beside the beautiful kid as he kept on staring at him. He could see the resemblance between him and the little boy. His face was peaceful but then fill of courage. This reminded him on how he look like when he was a kid.

"His name is Davidson. He wish to be a lawyer" Delphine spoke, breaking the silence in the ward.

"Davidson" Calton repeated the little boy's name.

"Yeah, it's his second name" she said and Calton gave her a look. Gosh he is so handsome, she thought to herself.

"What is the first?" He asked.

"I thought of his father giving him the first name" Delphine smiled plainly. She never thought she would actually have Calton before her right now but it was happening.

Chantel walked into the ward looking Gorgeous with her badass dressing. In her hand, was two bags. "I bought lunch" she dropped it before them.

"Thanks mom" Calton smiled.

"Keep me updated okay, the doctor will be here soon" Chantel said and the shifted her gaze to Delphine. "Take good care of yourself Delphine, I'll be back once I'm done with shareholders" she said and left the ward.

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