Eleven - Moving In

485 15 1

Cassiopeia Odette.
Charlotte, North Carolina

September 10th, 2021

I had finally arrived to Charlotte, today was the day I moved in with Melo and our arrangment officially began. Melo and I hadn't discussed our relationship status since the trip to New Orleans, the day after his birthday he rushed off to Charlotte to start training and conditioning for the season. If I'm quite honest, I'm scared out of my mind to see him today. How do I greet him? With a hug, a kiss, a small wave, just a 'hey'? I don't know. If I greeted him too simply he might be upset, too forward and he might get turned off. Maybe I should let him greet me?

I had been running ideas of what to do for almost ten minutes now, standing awkwardly in front the door to his- our penthouse.

Fuck it.

I enter the door code and nudge the door open, I think my heart is actually in my ass right now.

I pull my luggage into the foyer and look at my surroundings.

A somewhat peculiar house, luxurious but immature in taste, basketball and 'LaFrance' paraphenila hung on the walls. The walls were black , with purple and blue details scattered around, not my taste personally. I crept deeper into the house, into the waiting area, living room, kitchen, into the hallways, and bedrooms lining the hallways. No trace of Melo, besides the several portraits, figurines, and art pieces modeled after him- how humble of him...

At the end of the hall is double doors. I knock, but not response. I push the doors open and see a grand room with the walls painted black. On the walls is the same decor as the rest of apartment, Lamelo Lafrance, the bed sits centered on the wall across from the doors, covered by a black fuzzy duvet and black pillows. Once I walk in sitting area on my rightside, the couch angled to look out the window and see the wall mounted TV. On my left is a bean bag and doors that led to a large bathroom that connected to the walk in closet.

Nice. Not much else to say. The majority of the house was black and somewhat depressing. It kind of reminded me of a teenage boys room decor if he had a million dollar budget.

My phone pings,

sorry phat i forgot to txt
u earlier but i'm at practice rn
be home around 3-4
mi casa su casa

Phat ma💍
mk. bring food

Incoming Facetime Call

Melo appears on my screen sweating and heaving into the camera. Even sweaty and funky this man is so fine. When he sees me he smiles and tilts his head to lean closer I feel butterflies

"How was your flight" he asks

"No complaints," I shrug, pushing the butterflies down "How's practice?"

Shrug, "Light work. I can't wait to see you"

I feel my cheeks burn bright red and smile, "Ditto. Do you wanna get me ice cream on your way home?"

"Yea baby, what you want?"

Butterflies. I love when he calls me baby, I love the way he treats me like his baby.

"Pistachio or Dulce de Lèche"

"Ight, I gotta go tho"

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