Ten - 21 Reasons

518 9 4

Cassiopeia Odette.
Bourbon Street


We were on our third bar of the night, Melo was determined to try every New Orleans famous drink tonight. The gin fizz, sazerac, absinthe frappe, and of course the infamous hand grenade. Obviously, we couldn't let him drink all of this (and free shots that people kept buying him) on his own, that's just cruel. So I sipped off most of his drinks and soon he and I were both gone past redemption.

Me drinking went one of two ways. One, I got hyper, danced on tables, and became the life of the party. Or two, I got insanely hyper sexual. Tonight, Melo waa gonna get the best birthday gift because I was feeling number two creeping up.

"Mama, come on" he pulls my waist towards the bar he stands at. I stumble into him and giggle while staring at him, taking in his features. Every hair, every eyelash, every freckle on him fuzzed together by my drunken vision. Quite honestly, the only reason I knew it was him was because of his height and the way he touched my waist; soft yet firm and confident.

"Lemme take a shot off you" he yells over the music. I nod and smile

The bartender helps us get everything set up on me. Melo looks me up and down and smiles

He holds eye contact with me while licking salt off my chest, takes the shot glass between by breast into his mouth. Spills it back in his mouth, making a sour face and then putting it down. I smile, lime between my teeth. Waiting. Waiting for him to stop staring, to take the lime from me. Waiting for our lips to brush against each other and shiver down my spine.

Melo grabs my neck, pulling me against his body. He leans down and takes the lime from me. I'm surprised, almost saddened our lips don't connect the way I want them to.

He bites into the lime, squirms, and then takes it out. He leans in again and this time he does brush his lips against mine, my breath hitches. Before I can even breathe out he pulls away and looks away

I pull his chin back so he can look at me, see my pleading eyes begging him to give me more.

"Gimme kiss" I pucker my lips and try to pull him to my level by his neck, but he resists and pulls his neck away from me.

"If-" he sighs, looking around before leaning close to my ear "If I kiss you, I'm not finna stop"

I smile, placing a hand on his hard stomach, "So don't"

He breathes heavily on my neck, kisses under my jawline, and then reluctantly pulls back.

I sigh heavily and look away from his him.

I often got told that I always got what I wanted. In my mind i had no wants, only futures. When I want it, it's already mine in my mind.

Tonight I want Melo, so tonight I will have Melo.

We move into the dance line. I pull Melo close behind me and move slowly.

Melo grabs hold of my hips firmly with one hand, the other tight around my neck, "Stop, Dee"

His red eyes stare deep into mine, searching and serious.

"Why?" I pout. I didn't like giving up but his seriousness was making me think he didn't want me

"You're drunk, we're drunk" he shakes his head

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