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In the heart of her quaint shop, Ava called a meeting with her close friends - Amy, Carlson, Tony, and Jasmine. She had a sparkle in her eye and an excited tremor in her voice as she shared her plan for Ethan's surprise birthday party.

"Okay, everyone," Ava began, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "Ethan's birthday is coming up, I've been brainstorming and I think I have the perfect idea," Ava began, her enthusiasm infectious. "I want to rent out this amazing rooftop venue I found. It has a stunning view of the city skyline, perfect for a memorable evening. We'll have a classy, elegant theme, with a live band playing Ethan's favorite music. I'm thinking of a night under the stars, where everything is about enjoying good food, great music, and the best of company."

Amy was the first to respond, her face lighting up. "Ava, that sounds incredible! Ethan will love it. And the rooftop setting? Absolutely perfect!"

Carlson nodded in agreement. "The view will definitely make it special. It's like something out of a movie."

Tony, with his usual enthusiasm, added, "Count me in for the distractions! Carlson and I will make sure Ethan has no idea what's coming. We'll come up with a convincing way to get him to the venue without suspecting a thing."

Jasmine, always attentive to detail, chimed in. "I can help with the decorations and setting up the place. We can make it look magical with the right lighting and decor."

Ava smiled, relieved and grateful for her friends' support. "Thank you, everyone! I knew I could count on you. Let's make this the best birthday Ethan has ever had!"

The group spent the next few hours discussing and refining the details, their excitement growing as the plan came together. It was a mix of great ideas, teamwork, and the shared joy of creating something special for Ethan. Ava felt a warm glow of happiness, knowing that with her friends by her side, the surprise party would be nothing short of spectacular.

Ethan was waiting outside Ava's shop, looking sharp in his winter gear. He wore a gray overcoat that was both stylish and practical for the cold, paired with a snug white sweater that made him look like he just stepped out of a winter fashion catalog. His scarf, a checkered pattern of dark and light grays, was draped casually around his neck, and he wore it like a natural accessory. The winter air seemed to highlight his striking features, making him stand out even more.

"Babe!" Ava couldn't hide her surprise and joy. She ran over and gave him a tight hug, feeling the warmth of his coat against the cold air. "This is a surprise!" Ethan's laugh was muffled by the scarf, a happy sound in the chilly evening.

"Got off early today and thought why not grab dinner with my favorite person?" he said with a smile. "It's cold out, and I bet you're starving."

Ava stepped back, beaming up at him. "Starving and freezing! You read my mind, Ethan."

They shared a quick, warm kiss before Ethan playfully nudged her towards his car. "Come on, I know just the place."

They strolled to his car, and Ethan held the door open for her, the gesture as warm as the kiss they shared before she got in. The drive to the Japanese restaurant was filled with their usual banter, discussions about mundane things like the latest series they were watching and Ethan's humorous anecdotes from the hospital.

As they sat in the warm glow of the restaurant, enjoying the array of sushi and sashimi, Ava remembered to lay the groundwork for her surprise. "You know, with all the appointments I've packed into next week, I almost let your birthday slip my mind," she said with a slight chuckle, hoping she sounded convincingly distracted. "With my schedule, I can only manage something low-key in the evening. How does that sound?"

Ethan nodded, swirling his ramen thoughtfully. "Low-key is good," he said, a little too quickly, and then added, "Honestly, just winding down with you would be great. No big celebrations needed."

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