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One serene morning, Ava made her way to the beach, drawn by the longing for the calm and beauty of the sunrise over the ocean. This was her sanctuary, a place where she found peace and solace, allowing her to escape the whirlwind of emotions and decisions weighing on her.

As she walked along the shoreline, the cool morning breeze kissed her skin, carrying the soft whispers of the waves. The early sun painted the sky in hues of pink and orange, a spectacle that always filled her with awe. It was in moments like these that Ava felt a profound connection to the world around her, reminding her of the simple joys in life.

Just then, she spotted Fred emerging from the back gate of his house, his presence instantly brightening her morning even more. His hair tousled by the gentle wind, and his eyes sparkling with that familiar warmth and affection, he approached her with that signature charming smile that never failed to make her heart skip a beat.

"Mind if I join you?" he asked, his voice carrying a hint of playfulness.

"Sure," Ava responded, a smile spreading across her face at the unexpected company.

As they strolled side by side, Fred broke the silence, his keen intuition sensing Ava's troubled mind. "You're out here because something's on your mind, isn't it? It's not because of me, is it?" he teased, trying to lighten the mood.

Ava fell silent, caught off guard by his directness. Sensing her hesitation, Fred's expression softened. "Hey, don't overthink it," he reassured her gently. "Just follow your heart, Ava. Whatever or whoever you choose, I'll be here for you, supporting you every step of the way."

His words were comforting, yet Ava couldn't find hers in response. Sensing the need to shift the mood, Fred scooped up a handful of water and playfully splashed it towards Ava, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Caught by surprise, Ava's initial shock quickly turned into laughter. She retaliated, splashing water back at Fred, igniting a lighthearted water fight between them. They laughed and dodged, the morning's serenity now filled with their cheerful noise. For a moment, all worries and uncertainties were washed away by the simple joy of their playful antics.

After their playful water fight, Ava and Fred found themselves lying on the sand, catching their breath after running around. The morning sun began to warm their damp clothes, and the sound of the waves provided a soothing backdrop to their laughter. For a brief moment, the world around them seemed to stand still, offering them a respite from the complexity of their thoughts and emotions.

As they lay side by side, Ava turned her head towards Fred, a question that had been lingering in her mind since his unexpected visit finally finding its way out. "Fred, why did you come to my house the other day?"

Fred paused, his gaze shifting towards the sky, as if gathering his thoughts from the vast blue above. After a moment, he turned to face Ava, a hint of seriousness in his expression that contrasted with their earlier lightheartedness. "I need to go back to Canada soon," he finally said, his voice carrying a weight of inevitability. "My vacation days are almost over. And, uh, I might not be able to go back with you to Girdwood when you go there because I'm leaving for Canada the next day."

Ava's heart sank at his words. The surprise on her face quickly turned to a look of sadness, a silent acknowledgement of the impermanent nature of moments like these. It felt as though Fred was not just talking about leaving for Canada, but hinting at a more permanent goodbye. She hesitated before asking, "Will you be going back to Girdwood once the renovation starts?"

Fred met her gaze, his eyes searching hers for a moment before offering a smile that seemed to carry both reassurance and a tinge of uncertainty. "It depends," he said softly. "There might be a new person overseeing the renovation, and I might take over another big project in Canada." Ava felt a tightness in her chest at the thought of Fred leaving, the possibility of their paths diverging even further. 

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