Chapter 12 (Third Person)

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Word count: 1298 words.

(Nee-San means 'Older sister')

The Past, About 6 years ago.

'Keiko, where are you? It's been 15 minutes, you've won the game!'

'Ha, I won!' Keiko giggled as she emerged out of her hiding place.

'You sure are a good hider Keiko.'

Keiko looked around. There was no one in sight. Just the house, and the many trees and the forest surrounding them. It was a quiet warm evening, in the Autumn, and the Sun was slowly setting, shining as bright as ever. The wind rustled the leaves on the trees.

'Nee-san, where are the others?'

'I already found them. They were easy to find, and they are all inside, getting ready for dinner.'

'Dinner?! That quick?!'

'Yes, Keiko, it's already dinner.'

'Then what are we waiting for?! Let's go!'

Keiko ran off, leaving -Y/N- behind.

'She is such a heavy eater.' -Y/N- thinks to herself, chuckling slightly.

'Hey, Keiko, pass me some of that Ohagi!'

'Get it yourself Daiki!'

'I can't!'

'Calm down, both of you. You're disturbing everyone.'

'Sorry Mother...'

-Y/N- sat there, playing with her food, looking at her younger siblings, Daiki and Keiko, fight over the Ohagi.

Her other younger siblings, Kenzō and Mei, were whispering to each other and giggling.

She turned to look at Takeshi, the eldest sibling. He was 13. Takeshi looked like a male version of -Y/N-. Short brown hair. Lapis-blue eyes. You could easily mistaken them as twins.

-Y/N- was 12. She had the same, brown hair and lapis-blue eyes.

Daiki was 10. He had black hair, with bluish-green eyes.

Keiko was 9. She had super long black hair with grey eyes.

Kenzō and Mei were both 7. They were identical twins. They both had short brown hair, and green eyes.

The youngest sibling was a girl called Kyouka, who was 4. She had short brownish-black hair and magnificent blue eyes.

'-Y/N-, sweetheart, why aren't you eating your food? Are you alright? Are you perhaps sick?'

-Y/N- snapped out of her daydream and looked at her Mother, who had Kyouka in her arms.

'Oh, it's nothing Mother, I just don't feel really hungry.'

'Are you sure you don't want anything?'

'No Mother, I'm fine, really.'


'Mother, he's eating all the Ohagi!'

'Stop being a snitch Keiko!'

'Stop eating all of it Daiki! Maybe Nee-san or Onii-chan wants some!'

-Y/N- stood up.

'I'll be going to my room now.'

'Alright -Y/N-, but don't stay up late reading books, alright?'

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