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-Natsu's POV-

Ever since I was a little boy I have always wanted to be rich or to not have to worry about surviving anymore, I know its shalow to say that but if you had grown up like I did u wouldnt say it you can say that you can imagine but never really get to the exact extent of my life.

When I was a little kid my mother died just like that, and after that my dad tried for a while but it was too much work for him so after a few months he gave up. I live in a kingdom known as Magnolia the order of everything is pretty simple if you have money you can have the life of your dreams if you dont your screwed, literally I had to steal food basically all my life wich I don't like to talk about....thankfully Im not completely alone I have my best buddy Happy, he is a cat I met when I was a kid and since then we have never spent any time apart, he doesnt talk but all the time its almost as if he did I can talk with him as if he was a normal person.

But starting this story....

I woke up and like any other day went to the guild known as Fairy Tail. A guild is a place where people that dont have money can go and find "part-time works" posted by the rich people. In a normal day you can barely find work because there is a lot of people who need it so I have to wake up extra early just to find one that pays good, thankfully today was my lucky day I got one job that seems easy all I have to do is go to some cave with the guy and retrieve a lamp he said it was a lost heirloom from his family, why not.

I went to the house and waited for somebody to open the door. Out of nowhere a blonde guy came out, we seemed to be around the same age.

Natsu - Hey there, Im here for the job offer about the vase

?? - Its a lamp

Natsu - Honestly its the same to me all I wanna know is if you really pay that much amount of money

?? - I do why?

Natsu - Nothing its just that its a lot of money for just a stupid lamp

?? - Its not just a lamp its really special

Natsu - Yeah Yeah the family sentimental part, now lets go?

?? - Sure

Natsu - By the way just out of curiosity whats your name?

?? - Why do you need to know?

Natsu - .......Security and stuff

Sting - ...Sting

Natsu - Ok well lets not waste time, i wanna get that money

We go to the cave and when we get there let me tell you its f*ck*ng strange its looks like a lions head...

Natsu - So the lampy thing is inside there

Sting - Yes and all you have to do is go in, get it and leave not touching anything else

Natsu - Ok no problem

I was going in when that Sting guy pulls my arm like the cave would explode that second

Natsu - Hey hey calm down on the arm

Sting - What I said about not touching anything is extremely important, when I say nothing I mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING

Natsu - Shish I heard the first time calm down

And then in I go....its really dark.....but then.....pufff the fricking mouth closed and I was stuck!

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