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-Natsu's POV-

Natsu - HEY LET ME OUT!!!NOW!!!

I could hear sting's voice muffled from outside

Sting - It will open once you get me what I want

Natsu - FINE! Let's go Happy

He just looked at me, smiled and left ahead. I followed him and found my dream. I can only be dreaming because it would be IMPOSSIBLE for THIS to exist in real life, a gigantic room full with treasures made with gold, gems, and so many more goshhh. But I remembered what Sting said and just continued looking for the lamp with Happy besides me, out of nowhere a rug just came out and started to pick a "fight" what me

Natsu - WTF What do you wantttt

He seemed to kinda push me somewhere and out of nowhere I see the lamp that Sting was talking about, it was in a kind of pedestal made out of gold and glass and it looked so valuable, but I remembered that I cant keep it so in a hurry I go to it and pick it up when out of nowhere the cave seems to be all crumbling and falling, not understanding I look around and guess what....

I see happy with playing with the treasures, that DAMN CAT


I just see him make an apologetic face and jump to my arms, and I start running hoping that the cave is open and thank Mavis it is I jump because the path started to just evaporate and turn into a hole trying to suck me in, when I was just about to get out Sting gets in the way of me leaving


Sting - Where is the lamp???

I search for it but I cant find it

Natsu - IDK it probably fell down NOW LET ME OUT

Sting - If you dont have the lamp you are useless

And then he just pushed me, just like that I fell in and my head bumped against the floor and I just black out.

I wake up hearing little voices, I opened my heart and saw...probably the most beautiful woman ever, she had blonde hair, chocolate brown eyes, the most perfect skin and this aura of just sparkles.

Natsu - Ok now I know Im dead....Are you the angel thats taking me to heaven?

?? - Uhm No... You are not dead so I cant take you to heaven

Natsu - Im not??

I get up and start touching my legs, belly and arms just to check if what she says its really true....it is

Natsu - IM ALIVE

?? - You are yes.

Natsu - Then who are you?

Lucy - My name is Lucy

Natsu - Well Lucy my name is Natsu... where did you come from cause when this cave went down I remember being the only one inside it. Do you think we can use your entry to get out?

Lucy - Yeah I dont think thats possible

Natsu - Why not? You got in here after me so maybe that entrance is still open

Lucy - Lets say I didnt enter I got out someplace

Natsu - What? That doesnt make sense

Lucy - Actually it does

She points to her feet...or where they sould be cause in the place of feet there was a yellow smoke that was coming out of the lamp.....HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE

Natsu - WHATTT!!! H-How did you do t-that?

Lucy - Wait you have never heard of a gennie?

Natsu - .......A WHAT?

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