Chapter 10

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What the hell was I thinking?

I can't set Bree up with someone. I feel like I'm breaking out in hives just imagining it.


I scrub a hand over my face and sigh.

I asked Eli to join me at this big monthly outdoor market and swap meet a few blocks from my apartment building. I've seen it in passing but have never actually attended. It's not exactly my scene. But it is Bree's, and I know she'll be here.

It's crowded as hell, which means plenty of match potential and easy crowd cover for me. But it's also making it hard to spot Bree in the chaos. We've tucked ourselves into an alcove beside a nearby stairwell, shaded and relatively out of sight, but slightly above the crowd so we can survey it all.

"That's her, right?" Eli asks, his head tipped in the direction of a big clothing stall.

I look up and spot her—pink sweater, light purple pants, cute-ass purple bow in her hair.

"That's her," I say.

I wipe my palms on my jeans.

Why the fuck am I sweating so much?

"Alright, so what's the plan?" Eli asks.

"We find a match, I make the connection, and hopefully slip out without being seen."

She casually bites her lower lip as she sifts through dresses on a rack. Why does she always look so good? It fucks with my head.

I sweep my hair from my face and tug at the bottom of my jacket.

"Are you..." Eli's eyes scan me up and down. "Are you primping?"

I scowl at him, refusing to acknowledge the question.

"Did you hear anything I just said?"

"Yes," he huffs. "Match the girl. In and out. Got it. I just have one question."


"Who the fuck are you and what have you done with Declan Saint-James?"

"Cut the shit, Eli. I'm not in the mood."

"I can imagine. I'd be grumpy too if I had to set my girlfriend up on a date," he says with a laugh.

I swipe my fingers over his arm, just enough to get my message across. In an instant, he doubles over, pushing out a hard breath.

People assume that Cupids are all about love and good feelings, but the strongest of us can control the whole spectrum—including that kick-to-the-chest feeling you get when someone breaks your heart. It hurts like a bitch. And that was just a taste.

"Was that really called for?" he grumbles through gritted teeth, rubbing the center of his chest. "Shit, that hurt."

"Then take the hint and stop fucking with me."

"This is exactly why I'm your only friend, you know."

"One of many reasons, I'm sure."

"Using your powers on me is a dick move." He fights back a smile and I know he's already forgiven me. "But damn, you pack a fucking punch. Tell me the truth: how bad could you have laid me out just then if you wanted to?"

Real bad.

"Happy to show you," I say with a smirk.

"No thanks. I'll just take your word for it."

Arrow to the Heart: A Dark Cupid RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now