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"What are you doing!" Seb yells, "calm down. This is just part of the deal" I tell him, Colt wraps the small peice of leather around his neck, it looks like a color but also an accessory. We put a comfortable silky material on the inside to stop it from rubbing against his skin. Hank stands beside Colt melting a small bit of metal so it drips onto the back of the color, knowing Seb we had to br a bit more stricter with this idea.

We knew he would try to take it of on multiple occasions so we made the idea to stick the end peices together with some melted metal that would harden.

We can easily take it of but Seb would have a much harder time doing it himself. "You never said anything about a stupid color!" Seb yells, "Seb" I say firmly, I get him to look at me "remember what we talked about.

Calm.." I tell him, I'm surprised to see his full attention on me. He takes a deep breathe as if trying to calm himself, I can feel his hands shaking slightly in mine as he struggles to calm himself.

His eyes are on me the whole time but he suddenly looks a little more aware of his seroundings, I'm proud of him. "Good boy" I praise him. "Hey, good job pup" Hank says seeming actualy happy with the results.

"And he didn't even need my help" I tell him as I let go of his hands from in mine, "Good boy Seb. We're not even an hour in and your already being so good" Colt praises. I can see all the praise makes his eyes light up slightly, he's trying to hide it but praise makes him feel good.

I can see his hands moving slowly up to his neck to assess what we had done, I can see him pulling at it slightly "only we can take this off, ok. If it'd too tight tell us" Colt says, Seb seems a little unsure of the situation infront of him.

He seems dazed which is no surprise since he didn't avert to aggression or self defence in this kind of situation. He probably feels out of his element. "Let's get you into some comfier clothes" Colt explains.

"We brought you some clothes we thought you might like" Hank speaks up. We head up to Sebs room stopping by the doorway while Seb walks in, he turns around looking at us confused. I give him a gentle smile "we can't come in unless you say we are allowed to" i tell him, we did this to allow him to feel a little more in control.

We want to show him that this room really is his own space, "you can come in" he says. I smile at him sweetly, he's handling this so well for his first day. I sit on the bed with Colt as we watch Hank help Seb to pick some clothes out, some clothes on the top shelf were too high for him to reach so Hank helped get them down for him.

Seb chose to wear a comfy oversized hoodie with some joggers. I can say we were all shocked as Seb pulled his old jeans down infront of us to put his joggers on. Its amazing that he's already comfortable enough around us to do that, he then goes to put the hoodie on over his shirt which Hank quickly stops him just before i could.

"Take the shirt of first, you'll get too hot" Hnak says taking the hoodie from his hand so he can take the shirt of, Seb takes it of with the help of Hank. His v line is the first thing to catch my Stenton, his lightly toned torso is just as hot as the last time I saw him shirtless.

He managed to stay in shape quite well with all the crap food he ate. Hank helps him put the hoodie on, Seb seems to be in quite a good mood at this time. He seems to have gotten a sudden burst of energy. I look at my watch, its 9 pm.

We haven't set rules for specific bedtimes but since it's his first night of this deal we will eventualy get into a routine off it. "We have to go to the supermarket to get some more food, do you want to come?" Colt asks gesturing to him and Hank, Seb looks between me and them.

I can tell hes struggling to make a desicion and i don't want to stress him out anymore than he usually is.

"I'll keep him here with me, it's quite late I can put him to bed after I finish some work" I tell them, they nod there heads. "Be good for Enzo" Colt tells Seb before they both exit the room.

"Come on you" I tell him as I walk out and towards my office, he follows behind me. A couple minutes go by of doing my work, I forgot Seb had a short attention span.

He's been sat on the couch in my office trying to entertain himself, poor thing. Every time I looked at him he was doing something different, first time he was sitting up looking around, second time he was laying down, third time he was kicking his legs up in the air and fourth time he was laying face down with his feet kicking against the couch.

It's entertaining to watch however distracting, eventualy it went from being silent to Sebs small whines echoing through the room. Sooner nough I got up from my chair and walked over to the couch kneeling down beside it "whats the matter, pup. Are you tired?" I ask him, he turns to look at me shaking his head "I'm bored. There's nothing to do" he whines.

"Stay here" I tell him firmly before leaving the room. I headed to his room picking up his little wolf and a puzzle with wolves on. Walking back into my office he was still sat in the same position on the couch like a good boy.

I place the puzzle on the table infront of him and hand him his wold. Ye takes it slowly as he embarrassingly looks down "you don't have to be embarrassed Seb, it's a really cute wolf" I try to comfort him. He still seems embarrassed so change the subject "here, it's a puzzle of wolves" I tell him, "puzzles aren't fun. And there for little kids" he says rolling his eyes.

I groan in annoyance before getting an idea. "You saying your not smart enough to finish it" I tell him, he instantly looks at me "I could easily finish this" he tells me. "Prove it" I tell him.

He opens the lid already sifting through the peices, I smile to myself as I sit back in my chair continuing with my work.

The Theif 2! A pups little sideWhere stories live. Discover now