Pent up

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After finally clearing up the matter of Sebs brother, Seb has been alot calmer towards us. Hes still had his rebellious moments as well as seeiming in a slightly younger head space, its easier to tell what kind of head space hes in now.

He reverts back to acting more like a pup when hes in a younger head space, and when hes just back to him self hes clearly Seb with an attitude and rebellious streak however we have managed to calm him down alot quicker than before.

It's been a couple days and I can see Sebs getting a bit more fidgety being in the house, he's been acting himself most of the time these past few days until he gets really tired and reverts back to a pup, just wanting to snuggle up with us.

We've aloud him to go on his bike but we have given him time limits to make sure he doesn't run of, so far he's been really good so we have added on a couple extra minutes however this still doesn't seem to satisfy him enough.

I can tell he wants more freedom but the Alpha in us all feels like it's too soon. We've finally got him with us and to except us, our wolves won't let him out of our sights for longer than half an hour. 

I'm sat at my desk doing some work, Colts sat on the sofa on his phone while Hank is in the gym downstairs. Seb has allowed alot of trust to build between us all therefore we allow him to walk around the house freely.

I hear a knock on the door catching mine and Colts attention, "come in" I look up at the door to see Seb enter through, I can tell by his confident poster he's in his normal head space so I prepare myself to address him like a normal 19 Yr old.

"Hey Seb, is there something we can do for you?" I ask, he notices Colts in the room before looking back at me "can I go into the city?" He asks, I new this question would come up eventualy.

"Is there something specific you need in the city?" Colt asks looking as serious as always "a job" Seb bounces back. "You do know you don't need one right? Your only 19" I know him being 19 has nothing to do with it, the thought of him being in the city alone makes it hard to control my wolf.

"I know, but I want one. You guys said I could" he was right. "What kind of job you looking for?" Colt says putting his phone away.

Seb shrugs his shoulders, "what about working for one of our businesses?" I suggest, his eyes light up. "You'd really let me do crime again?" He says shocked and happy, I instantly shake my head.

"No. I meant one of our smaller businesses that we own" his eyes instantly turn dull. "We own many clubs, you could be a bartender, waitress" Colt says, Seb stays quiet "I was thinking I could work at a gym" he says, instantly not a good idea.

We don't even own any gyms in the city. "No, that's not a good idea" Colt says standing beside him "Why? I know gym equipment and ill just be helping people" Colt shakes his head at Sebs words "what if you were to go into a younger headspace while carrying heavy equipment" he's right, Seb looks slighty embarressed by the thought.

Hes still not entirely sure what it all means yet, we havent reslly explained to him that hid childhood is the reason for him to regress to a pup.

"I can control it" he mumbles looking slightly annoyed. I'm not so sure of that. "Seb if your going to have a job in the city it must be one we can make a compromise to" I tell him standing up from my desk. "What are my options then?" He says.

"Bartender, waitress or you can stay here and do paper work" I can taste the rage building in this room, "you own a billion businesses and those are my only choices" he says irritatedly, Colt and I nod our heads.

Seb groans aloud, "fine. Bartender" he mumbles in annoyance. "But can I atleast work somewhere that you don't own?" I'm a little surprised by his comment, "why?" Colt asks.

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