Chapter 5: Goosebumps

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"It's not something I generally tell people given the circumstances. I understand if you decide you don't want to marry me anymore," I said. I could feel anxiety bubbling up inside me. I was feeling overwhelmed. It was too many things too quickly. I could feel my arms start to tremble.

"I already told you my love was unconditional. I'm not changing my mind. But I do want to understand. I thought the Nagykan were these fierce warlocks with incredible power and that they were evil?" Weylin admitted sheepishly.

I was just happy he didn't pull away from me.

"That's not true. The long and the short of it is that Nagykan have special gifts. That's all. And most of the time they are very small things. My mother, for instance, could bring plants back to life but only if they were still attached to a living plant or to roots. She couldn't resurrect a plucked flower that had withered, much to my childish dismay. My grandmother could turn into a bug at will but only for about three minutes and only about three times in a twenty four hour period."

"And what's your gift?"

I looked from Weylin to Lenora and back. I sighed. "I can feel change coming. I get goosebumps when something is about to change but only something that directly affects me and usually in a potentially major way."

"Is that why you tried to run away?" he asked. A sort of understanding dawned in his eyes.

"You tried to run away?" Lenora repeated, whipping around to face me. 

"Yes and yes," I answered hastily. "I got goosebumps and I thought something terrible was going to happen. So many terrible things have happened in my life. I thought, if I removed myself, then I would be choosing the change and nothing bad would happen to you."

Weylin kissed my forehead. "I don't completely understand what you are saying, but you leaving me is the worst thing that could ever happen, Allegra. I could weather any storm if you were by my side."

This eased part of my anxiety and I leaned into him. However, there were still many things I was anxious about. "Sorry, can we just return to my family again? You stopped ten years ago. What happened to Leonidas if my father is dead?"

"I'm not entirely sure, Allegra. We haven't lived in Epsilonnia for many years." Lenora looked apologetic that she had nothing more to add.

"So my brother could very well still be alive?" I inquired.

Lenora hesitated. She looked very concerned, her eyes alight with, what appeared to be, fear. "Yes," she drawled.

"So if I went to Epsilonnia, I could find him."

"Theoretically." She studied me hard. "But you aren't seriously thinking about going after you were nearly attacked today?"

"I am," I responded resolutely. "I've waited almost twenty years to find out what happened to my father and brother. You just told me that my father is dead, God rest his soul. If my brother is alive and well, why should I wait another minute before I go and find him?"

"Wait, you would leave?" Weylin looked surprised. Really, he hadn't stopped looking surprised since Lenora had said my real name.

"Well, yes. I mean, you could come with-"

"No. It's out of the question."

Now it was my turn to look surprised. I stood up off the settee and looked at him. "What? Why?"

"It's not safe," he insisted. "Stay here. We can go in the spring. It'll be safe in the spring."

"How will it be safer in the spring than any other time? I can't wait that long. I have to know."

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