Chapter 28

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Quincy was ready to talk to Nia about their relationship and where they stood.  He pulls up at her condo getting out and going to the elevators.
Walking off he knocks on the door waiting for her to answer. Her daughter Camry comes to the door opening it. 

"Hi, who are you? "

"I'm your older brother Daddy.  Nice to meet you" He said holding his hand out. 

Carmy shakes his hand.  Nia comes to the door moving her out of the way.

"Told you not to be answering the door," Nia said moving her out of the way. 

"Why are you doing here? " Nia said

"We need to talk"

"Right now? "

"Yeah. "

Nia lets him in shutting the door.  She made her daughter go into her room. Quincy sits down on the couch. Nia sits across from him on the other couch. 

"So what's up? "

"Look we can't do this no more.  We can't see each other unless it's about Zach.  And I'm dead ass this time.  "

"So you drove over here to tell me that"

"I'd rather tell you face to face than a text,  so you know I'm serious"

"Wow.  So you did,  cause of Lola? "

"If we are being honest yeah."

"Okay you can go"


He walks to the door turning around and looking at Nia. 

"You know I'll always care about you.  But you fucked up.  And I won't ever forget that"

Nia opened the door for him pointing her hand out the door. 


Quincy walks out going to Melody's crib.  He gets out walking uo knocking on the door. A nigga answered this time

"Nigga who you? "

"Nigga don't worry about it"

Melody comes to the door pushing him out of the way.  She shut the door behind her. 

"Don't mind him"

"It doesn't even matter.  I was just here to tell you we did anyway"

Quincy walks away. 

"Quincy wait.  Why?"

Quincy turns around still opening his car door.

"Good back in there with your nigga baby.  Have a good life " Quincy said getting in the car and feeling better about himself

He got his phone out driving off calling Lola but it went straight to voice mail. 

"Man where could she be"

He drives and thinks long and hard. She didn't have any open house today cause he already looks.  She ain't at home.  So he went to her office building. 

He pulls into the parking lot to see if he can see her car Parted.  Which he did. He gets out going inside seeing her talking to her co-worker.

Walking up getting her attention. 

"Can we talk? "

"Like right now? " Lola said looking around.

"Yeah right now.  You ain't doing nothing"

"How do you know that? "

Her co-worker walks away

"Look you gone come talk to me or not? "

"After last night. No"

"Lola come on.  It's important"

Her boss comes around the corner.

"Mrs.  Sanders I'll need you in my office 30," he says

Lola looks back at Quincy.

"Come on"

They walk outside away from the building going up to Quincy's car. 

"So what is it?"

"I called it off with them"

"Wow now"

"Yeah.  I can't lose you I tell you that all the time"

"And yet you waited to get caught with the last bitch or is it another? "


"No no how many more? "

"it was just them. Don't play with me like that"

"Play with you? "

Lola laughs. 

"You gone give me a chance"

"Should I? "

"Why the fuck are you making it hard? " Quincy said becoming mad

"Cause you made it that way.  I can't trust you at all. "

"You can trust me now"

"I need time"


"Yeah TIME"

"I don't want time baby. I just need you home with me" Quincy said trying to grab her hands.

Lola steps back. 

"I gave you time and it took you this long to figure out who you wanted"

"No, I always wanted you"

"Just need space from you"

Lola walks away not bothering to look back.  Quincy gets in his car soeeding away which Lola can hear his tires speed off.  She looks back seeing him drive off fast as fuck. 

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