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Lola pulled up to her house getting out and sending Quincy her address.  She goes in going straight to the shower getting out 30 minutes later lotions up her body.  She received a knock at the door thinking it was Quincy.  Lola walks to the door and opens it. 

"What are you doing here? "

"Checking on you.  Was you good? " Romel asked seeming worried

"I'm fine. You shouldn't be here Romel"

"Had to stop by to check on you.  So what do they say? "

Quincy pulled up seeing Romel at the door talking to Lola. He gets out locking the car doors and walking up. 

"What's up? " He said coming to stand next to Lola at her door. 

Lola put her head down scratching her head.

"What's up? " Quincy said folding his arms.

"Romel you should go"

"How does he know where you stay? "

"That's Not a question you asked right now Quincy"

Romel laughs. 

"Something funny nigga?" 

"What's your problem son?" He said having his New York accent come out.

"She already told you she ain't want you."

"I don't give a fuck what she said. She knows what's sup.  We didn't finish our conversation the other day now did we Lola," Romel said looking at her.

"You went to meet up with this nigga without letting me know? "

"Okay.  Romel go.  Like now " she said "Can you go in the house? " she said looking at Quincy. 

"I ain't going nowhere.  Get that shit out the way now Lola"

"Not with you standing here acting like that.  Be two grown-ass men.  Y'all mad at each other over me.  Look Romel I appreciate you taking me to the hospital the other day."

"WHAT? " Quincy yells. 

"Can you just hush for a minute?" Lola said "I'm pregnant and before you ask if it's yours.  No! "

Romel ain't say anything he was hurt by hearing them words. 

"Alright cool," he said walking off.

Lola wanted to stop him but wouldn't,  cause Quincy was right there.  Lola walks into the house and passes Quincy.  He comes in shuts the door and goes to the living room.

"How the fuck does he know where you stay? "

"Don't start asking questions you ain't gone want the answer to" she said sitting down. 

"So you fucked this nigga here? "

"No Quincy," she said looking at him "You asked to see me.  I'm not going argue with you"

"Why have you been ignoring me for four days? "

"I was afraid,  nervous,  crying.  It was a lot going through my head at once.  Then I didn't know if you even wanted a child"

"Just like you tell me to come and say shit.  You need to too. No matter how scary it can be" He said coming to sit down next to her "Are you going to keep the baby? "

"Right now?  The stage we are both in.  It's too much happening in our lives.  Do you think a baby gone fix shit?  I don't know" she said getting up. 

Quincy gets up grabbing her hands.

"If you are pregnant that's going to be my priority not to have any stress come your way.  I won't allow any of that. I want this baby with you" He said looking at her.  "Look at me," he said "I'm dead ass"

Lola ran to the bathroom throwing up again.  She was just feeling sick every day.  Quincy came in holding her hair back. She gets up rinsing her mouth out then brushes her teeth.

"How long you've been feeling sick? " He asked

"Every day,  every morning.  I can't eat anything," she said walking out of the bathroom. 

"Try some soup?  Crackers?  Something light? "

"No!  Just bothered not to eat just drink"

"That ain't good Lola. You need to eat"


Quincy was taken aback by her yelling. 

"Calm down baby," he said

Lola sits down putting her head in her hands. 

"I don't think I can deal with this sickness.  Is this normal?"

"Yeah, it is.  You only a few weeks. " he said coming to her "I'll stay with you every day if it's going to make you feel a little better. No more of our drama.  I'm done with that nigga and Nia. My focus is you" He said

"I hope.  I don't want any more drama right now.  I have work to worry about.  I have 5 houses to show tomorrow and how am I going to show up feeling sick like I am?" she asked

"You gone probably have to reschedule "

"Quincy I'm not doing that.  I know I can sell at least 3 houses.  And I need the money if we keep this baby"

"So you are going to keep it? " Quincy asked smiling. 

Lola looks up seeing him smile. 

"Are you going kill that attitude? "

"I'll kill everything for you baby," he said

Lola laughs.  She gets up and walks to him. 

"Then yes," She said kissing him.  "but I still don't know what I'm going do tomorrow if I feel this way," she said going to sit back down. 

"Don't Mona work with you sometimes? Ask her to come help out" Quincy said coming to sit next to her.

"I'll call her.  Hopefully she doesn't have any open houses herself" Lola said. 

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