sweet dreams

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As the shadow came crawling at us faster than human limbs allowed, I scrambled to press Robin back into the elevator. Based on the sheer volume of my screams, I didn't know who was more passionate about terror, me or the actor rushing us. Meanwhile, Robin had forced my flight response into that of a fight and was shuffling us forward. Heart pounding as the figure closed in, I balled my fists and clenched my teeth preparing to do God knows what. We stepped out of the elevator quickly, just as it confronted me. And before I knew it, the screeching thing was in the elevator and clawing at the doors as they closed. My fists loosened and my lungs deflated instantly.

"Rule one in Robin's How to Survive a Horror Movie Guide," Robin laughed, letting his hands fall from my arms now that I wasn't trying to walk over him backwards. "Never stay in the elevator."

A sigh of relief exploded from my chest, and to my surprise, I laughed looking at the now empty hallway. "Noted. What's the second rule?"

Just then another screech came from across the room, and I jumped back into him, gripping his arm.

"Don't die." Robin replied over the noise, that giddy smile still plastered on his lips. With that he wriggled his fingers under my hand, detaching it's vice-like clamp from his bicep, and started to lead me through.

Seeing clearly was difficult. The further you walked into the room, the darker it got. There were chains hanging from the ceiling along with the same plastic dismembered body parts that were hanging outside.  A soundtrack of rattling chains, screams, and pleas was loud enough to split my ears and disorient me. The room reeked of musty leaves and old plastic. Purple lights weaving a path along the floor were the only help in knowing where we were supposed to go. Lining the walls were chain-link fences and barred doors, where more shuffling and shadowy figures could be seen skulking behind.

About the time I was beginning to relax, we turned the first corner. A hand shot out and snapped at my ankle.

Stopping Robin in his tracks, my eyes froze on the face of the screaming actor. He was dressed up like a prisoner with gory makeup and what looked like bruises around his neck. The actor was screaming so frantically that it took a moment to register what he was trying to say.

"Get out! Run! He's coming!"

Robin's grip tightened on my hand and he directed me away from the fake fence. In a matter of seconds I was back in front of him and being urged forward.

"Uh, just don't look behind us, okay." Robin laughed, holding me by my shoulders and walking down the path as quickly as possible, "And try to hurry." 

Of course... I looked behind us.

The prison guard was zombified, in the most gruesome, horrific looking makeup I had ever seen. His clothes were tattered and in his hand was a nightstick with barbed wire poking out of it. He was waving it through the chains, walking slowly. His mouth was stretched into an overblown smile revealing all his sharpened teeth.

Every fence rattled and the sound of sirens cracked through the room. The warden took off laughing hysterically as he chased us down the path and to the edge of the room. I was screaming my head off as we ran, Robin right behind me laughing. He seized my hand into his as we approached a pitch-black wall.

"There's no exit!" I cried, looking at the balloon-like walls.

He swung me forward, "You have to push through. Go first, I'm behind you."

Oh god. I stepped in, squished by the black walls on both sides. I couldn't see anything in front or behind me. It was a darkness I had never experienced and didn't want to experience ever again.

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