Chapter 30

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“You guys are insane, you know that right?” I demanded as I stepped inside the house and made my way into the living room.  Garrett and my mom had run back to the couch, magazines flipped open to make it look like they hadn’t been paying attention to Dannon and me outside.  How did I know that, you ask?  Well, I heard Garrett trip on the rug and curse his brains out for starters.  And the magazines were both upside down. 

“Whatever do you mean?” Garrett asked, feigning innocence.

I plopped onto the couch between my two family members, shaking my head.  “Are you two going to watch every time I leave the house with him?”

“Yup,” they announced simultaneously.

I rolled my eyes, ripping the magazine that Garrett held in his hands away from him.  “What are you reading upside down?” I mused, beginning to sift through the pages.

“Oh, everything.  Because, you know, I can do that.  I’m talented.”

I sighed, continuing to flip through the magazine, trying to ignore the stares my family members were giving me.  They were itching to ask questions about Dannon and me, I knew they were, but I really didn’t feel like being questioned.  I kept my eyes trained on the lady who was wearing way too much makeup for her own good, trying to figure out how to break it to her that she needed to cut it down because she resembled something of a wannabe clown.  But alas, I couldn’t find a way.  So, I turned the page, immediately forgetting all about her.

“Brianne. . . .”

Choosing to ignore my brother, I flipped the page and was introduced to a questionnaire: How You Know If Your Crush Is Head-Over-Heels For You Too.  I half-smiled, looking down at the questions.  They were incredibly lame and corny, like, “Do you always catch him staring at you?” and “Does he laugh at your jokes no matter how incredibly lame they are?”  Either way, I scored a hundred.  May I just say that I was pretty proud of myself?

  “Why are you taking that quiz if you already know the answer?”

I flipped the page again, savoring the irritation I was causing among my family members.  If they were going to snoop, then they could deal with the consequences.  They should have already known what was going on; they’d watched the whole thing. 

“Are you going to speak to us?”  my mom asked, a little snappier than she probably intended.

I looked up from the magazine and smiled at them.  “If it’s not going to be about my relationship with Dannon, sure, why not?”

“This isn’t about your relationship with Dannon.”  Garrett smiled mischievously, and I immediately regretted my wording.  “I want to know about that kiss you two shared out there.”

I cocked an eyebrow.  “And why would you want details on that, exactly?” 

Instead of answering my question, Garrett began asking his own.  They were incredibly stupid.  They ranged from the type of kiss it was to which hand was on which hip.  Yes, because Dannon was really going to cross his arms while kissing me. 

“You’re questions are stupid, so I’m going to stop answering them,” I announced, standing up.  “Now, if you would excuse me, I have to go pack my bag for school tomorrow.”

With that I left the room, leaving my two family members to gossip about my relationship behind my back.

| It ♥ All ♥ Started ♥ With ♥ An ♥ Apple |

Saying that I was being stared at was probably the hugest understatement of the year.

Dannon squeezed my hand within his comfortingly as we made our way toward the school’s entrance.  At first I smiled slightly, but when I spotted a group of girls that were standing a few yards away, the smile slipped off my face.  They were glaring at me as though they could rip my throat apart with their bare hands.  “They’re so intimidating when they’re angry,” I mumbled under my breath.

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