Chapter 47

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It was rather shocking to see Mrs. Carl when I stepped into history class.

Great.  Snow now not only did I have to deal with the class without Dannon, but I also had to deal with the crappy teacher again.

I would admit it: I’d grown used to Miss Tanta—liked her even.  But now Mrs. Carl was back to torture us until we died.  Yay.

“The devil’s mistress has returned!” Garrett whispered into my ear, succeeding in making me jump so high that it was insane.

I spun around, tossing him a glare.  “Dammit, Garner!”


I cringed as Mrs. Carl called out my name.  Damn.  Her first day back and she caught me swearing.  Nice.  I bit my lip, shuffling up the aisle, toward her desk.  It was said that those called there never returned as the same person they once were.  They were traumatized beyond belief.  Even the bravest of people couldn’t survive her terrible punishments.

“Yes, Mrs. Carl?” I asked softly, stepping up to her desk.

Mrs. Carl spun in her seat, turning to face me.  I was surprised to see that there wasn’t any annoyance on her face what-so-ever.  “Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble for swearing in my classroom,” she assured me.

I sighed in relief.  “What is it then?”

Mrs. Carl smiled slightly.  I was taken aback.  This teacher, the one teacher that I managed to despise with my entire being, was smiling at me.  What had this poor woman gone through when she was gone?  Obviously hell.  She was traumatized, the poor soul.

Then she sighed sadly, and a sympathetic frown appeared.  “I heard about Dannon,” she said softly.  “And I heard that he’s important to you.”  She let out a puff of air.  “I just wanted to see if you were okay.”

I stood there, staring at her in shock for a long time.  I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out.  Finally, after what seemed like a lifetime, I was able to stop looking like an idiot and talk.  “I’ve been better,” I said with a shrug.  “There’s nothing I can do, so. . . .”

Mrs. Carl smiled slightly.  “You’re strong, Brianne.  That’s good.  It’ll help you cope.”

I shook my head, staring at the floor.  “It’s not helping at all.”

I glanced at Dannon’s vacant seat.  My chest panged, and I suddenly had the urge to run.  To run from everything, everyone.  To just forget everything.  I blinked, disturbed and shocked by this sudden little outburst.  Where the hell had that come from?

“I know it may seem odd, coming from the strict teacher that sucks the souls out from her students,” Mrs. Carl said, obviously attempting for humor, “but I just wanted you to know that I am here if you need someone to talk to.”

I smiled one of my miniscule smiles.  I guessed Mrs. Carl wasn’t half as bad as she seemed to be.  “Thanks.”

Mrs. Carl nodded.  Then she gestured for me to sit back down.  “You’d best sit down.  Shelley and her boyfriend look like their eyes are about to pop out of their skulls.”

My eyes widened as I turned to go back to my seat.  Mrs. Carl got into the romance drama here?  She was turning into the exact opposite of what I thought she would be.  Now that I thought about it, wasn’t that what always happened?  I’d assumed Dannon was a jerk, and so was the rest of the crew.  And they were the nicest people I knew.

I used to be so judgmental, I thought dully.  So damn judgmental.  It was a wonder anyone tolerated me.

As class began, I let my mind wander.  It’s not like I could stop it.  Dannon’s seat was right across from mine.  It’d always been like this since he’d left.  I’d attempt to keep my eyes off the vacant seat, and in the process my mind would turn to memories of the past that I would cherish forever.  Usually this ended up biting me in the ass because I got called on when I least expected it.  But today Mrs. Carl left me alone to my thoughts.

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