Homework Or Else

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Peter had just returned back from the cafeteria along with the rest of his section and had returned to his room. It was not the best of days for Peter, as he had neglected to do his English homework and had been spanked by Ms. Connolly in front of the class because of it. As he walked into his room, he went to get his books in order to start working on his schoolwork, but was interrupted by a knock on the door. Since his roommate, Paul, was in the bathroom, he went to the door and opened it. Standing there was Beth, his housemother.

"Good evening, Peter, may I come in?"

"Sure." Peter replied, knowing he really didn't have much choice. He wondered what the purpose of his housemother's visit. Beth looked at the books that Peter had put on his desk.

"I see you are getting ready to do your homework. That would have been a good idea yesterday, wouldn't it?"

Peter looked down and nodded and then noticed what Miss Ashley was carrying. In her right hand was an 18" inch ruler and his eyes opened as he guessed the significance of her carrying it. As he looked at the ruler, Paul came out of the bathroom and noticed the ruler right away and opened his mouth wide. Beth noticed his reaction and quickly put his mind at ease.

"I am glad YOU did your homework, Paul."

Then, looking right at Peter, "I am disappointed at you, young man. I think you could use some help in reminding you to do your homework. Come over to me, Peter."

As Peter walked slowly over to her, Beth sat down on the end of his bed. When he was in front of her, she put down the ruler and began undressing him. A she was doing that, she asked Paul to bring their stool out to the corridor and to also bring out the chair and the small table that was in the room.

She continued to undress Peter until he down to his underpants. Then, getting up, she went to his dresser and pulled out a pair of his pajamas. Leaving the bottoms on his bed, she put the top on him and then removed his underpants. She then grabbed the ruler with her left hand and Peter's left ear with her right and brought him out to the hallway and over to the stool. She sat down on the stool and then helped Peter across her lap, pushing his pajama top completely away from his behind. Taking a firm grip of the ruler, she began smacking his behind hard and quick.

"OW.....OWWW.......OOUUCCHHH..........OOWOOWOW W"

Peter yelped in pain as he felt the stinging from the wooden ruler. Methodically, Beth applied the ruler to the boy's seat repeatedly and soon Peter was wailing, especially when Beth concentrated the spanks on the lower part of his behind where he sits. Meanwhile, Paul, with his ringside 'seat' witnessing his roommates spanking, was very glad he did his homework. He felt that way earlier when Miss Connolly had spanked Peter in the class and seeing his housemother painfully spank Peter made him feel that way even more. Soon more and more students came out to view and hear the spanking from the seventh grade student area. Some realized the cause of the spanking when Beth stopped the spanking and began scolding.

"I expect you to do your homework, young man." As Beth said these words, she had a fleeting thought of something, but put it aside, kind of shaking her head. "If you don't, or [looking at other members of her section] anyone else don't, this is what will happen."

She emphasized her words with painful smacks of the ruler across Peter's red bottom.

"I am always available to help, so don't be afraid to ask. But to not do it at all is not excusable. Now, Peter, I am going to let you up and you will sit down at your desk and do your homework right out here. I will be back to check it out, so I want you to do a good job. Now, off my knees."

Beth helped the sobbing boy onto his feet and marched him to his chair. As he approached his chair, unfortunately for him, it wasn't cushioned, but made of hard wood, he protested.

"NO! I won't be able to sit down!!!"

"Are you going to disobey me now?" She bent Peter over and applied 10 hard smacks of the ruler to his behind. "Your sore behind will remind you to do your homework in the future."

She stood him up and sat him down hard on his chair, causing Peter to jump up in pain, causing a few chuckles from some of his fellow students, which Beth quickly put a stop to.

"Unless any of you wish to join Peter, I suggest you be quiet. This is not a laughing matter. Now Peter, get to work. Remember, do a good job."

Leaving Peter to his work, Beth returned to her room, knowing she would occasionally check up on him. The other members of the section also left Peter alone, as well as other students in the wing. Peter began working on his schoolwork, very uncomfortably sitting down on the hard chair. The spanks that his housemother had applied to where he sits caused him to squirm in his seat as he tried to ease the pain, but not wanting to waste time by trying to rub. His occasional looks toward Beth's room one time caught her looking at him, and he saw Beth smile sympathetically toward him. Still, he knew, she could be strict, as his behind was reminding him. Finally, he finished, and he looked over his work. As if somehow knowing he was done, Beth shortly came out of her room and over to his chair.

"Well, young man, have you finished?"

Peter nodded that he had and handed her his notebooks. To his dismay, he saw Beth pick up her ruler that she had left on his table.

"While I am checking your work, Peter, I want you to bend over your desk with your behind nice and high. I will be giving you a little reminder before you go to bed, plus any smacks for errors that you should not have made."

Peter began to protest but stopped when he saw Beth's face. He knew it would only make it worse for himself, so he gave out a little sigh and got up and over to the side of the table and bent over it. As he did so, he couldn't help but feel that his seat was sticking up in the air.

Beth began looking over his papers. Knowing what he was learning in his classes, she was able to check his work, and found that he had made some mistakes. As she found a mistake, unless it was minor in nature, she placed her hand on Peter's back and smacked Peter twice with the ruler, causing Peter to yell out in pain. She had cause to smack Peter on 10 occasions for a total of 20 spanks.

"You could have done a better job, Peter. I guess I will need to help you more with your homework."

Noticing some distress on Peter's part, she added, "Oh, no, it won't be out here and spanking won't be part of it, unless you purposely do it wrong or you skip doing it."

Peter breathed a sigh of relief, but only for a moment, as he felt Beth's hand on his back. He knew that his bedtime spanking was about to begin.

Bent over the table caused the ruler spanks to really sting and he quickly began to sob as Beth began spanking him. She gave him 40 spanks with the ruler and then dropped the ruler on the table. She allowed him to remain bent over until he regained control of himself, and then helped him up.

"We'll leave the table and chair here until tomorrow morning. You can get Paul to help you bring it back in after you get dressed."

Then, with her hand gentling guiding him, she took him back to his room, where Paul was resting on his bed. With his back to her, she helped him into his pajama bottoms and then brought him to his bed, where she gave him a hug. Peter then put himself to bed, on his stomach, as Beth said goodnight to both boys and left their room, closing their door behind her. She sighed as she walked back to her room with a slight tickle in her mind.

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