Colleen Donovan Cont.

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Tears in her eyes, Colleen drove home, constantly shifting her position, trying to erase or lessen the discomfort she was feeling as she sat down on her well spanked behind. She also couldn't help but think about was she was facing later that evening when her aunt returned home.

Colleen had been living with her aunt ever since she was ten when her parents were both killed in a car accident. When it happened, her aunt stepped up and assumed the role of her mother in regard to Colleen. At a time when Colleen needed it badly, her aunt provided love and understanding during Colleen's difficult times. Her aunt promised Colleen that she would be as much a part of the family as her cousins were, and her aunt kept that promise. And so, her aunt provided her with not just material things, but love, understanding and guidance.

Another thing he aunt provided her with, along with her cousins, was discipline. As loving as her aunt was, she was also strict with all of them and they were all treated equally. Such strictness meant that when her cousins or her misbehaved or acted in a way that displeased her aunt, it was dealt with while across their aunt's knees.

Since spanking was the only method of punishment in the Donovan household, Colleen and her cousins often found themselves on the receiving end of spankings, sometimes together when more than one of them had misbehaved. As at the school, spankings were not necessarily given in private, as her aunt believed in spanking immediately or as soon as possible after the misbehavior was committed. Such a policy often caused great embarrassment with the only saving grace being that most of their friends and acquaintances were raised in a similar manner.

So it was that Colleen arrived home. Getting out of the car, she pulled down her cheerleader skirt as much as possible and went inside. As she walked into the living room, she noticed that her cousins, Tim and Sean were sitting down, watching television. She gave the boys a quick hello and hurried upstairs to her room. The two boys looked at each other in bewilderment, as their cousin usually greeted them in a friendlier manner than she had just done.

Upstairs, a nervous Colleen finished her homework and then listened to music. Too soon, the time came for Colleen to return downstairs. She knew better than to disobey her aunt's instructions and knew that her cousins would have no choice but to inform their mom if she didn't, when asked. She left her room, went downstairs to the living room and walked directly to an empty corner and put herself into it, reaching back to hold her short skirt up. She could sense her cousins staring at her and, more specifically, her now bare bottom. She blushed at her embarrassingly childish display, despite knowing that there were many times when it was one or both of her cousins in the position she was in. As she stood in the corner, Colleen greatly regretted her negligence at the school. She knew better as she had been told more than one time to never leave her desk unintended.

"What happened, Colleen?" She heard her older cousin, Tim ask her.

"I messed up at my job, Tim." Colleen hoped that neither Tim not Sean would ask any further questions of her. It was not to be as Sean asked the next question.

"Did mom spank you there?"

"No, Sean, she didn't." Colleen felt grateful that Sean's question left her an out without having to lie to her cousin.

"Oh." Sean's voice hinted at disbelief at Colleen's statement, but he didn't press the issue and went back to watching the football game, though he continued, along with his brother, of continually glancing at their cousin in the corner.

Colleen continued to remain in the corner. It was about 10:55 when she heard the front door open. She knew that soon she would be leaving the corner, but, to a more unpleasant place.

"Glad to see that you are where you are SUPPOSED to be, Colleen. Boys, she has been in the corner since 10:30, correct?"

Both boys assured their mom that their cousin had indeed been in the corner since that time and with her skirt up in back. Colleen didn't resent her cousins for telling their mom that. Nor would Colleen try to persuade Tim or Sean to just tell Aunt Mary she was in the corner when she wasn't as her aunt had a way of telling when someone was lying to her. One time Colleen had protected Tim, who had gotten into trouble at school, by telling her aunt that Tim had stood in the corner since he arrived home, even though he hadn't. Unfortunately, that led to Tim getting an extra spanking for disobeying his mother's instructions and Colleen getting his mouth washed out with soap and then a sound spanking for lying.

Putting down her pocketbook, Mrs. Donovan walked over to where her niece was and took her hand and pulled her out of the corner and over to the unoccupied couch.

"I am very disappointed, Colleen. I have told you over and over about not leaving the desk untended, haven't I?"

Colleen looked at the floor and remained quiet.





"When I ask you a question, young lady, I expect an answer. Now, have you been told to never leave your desk untended?"

"Yes, Aunt Mary." Colleen admitted.

"Yet, that is exactly what you did, isn't it?"

Her aunt reached over and smacked Colleen twice more.


"OWWW!! OUCH!!!"

"Yes, I'm sorry, Auntie."

"Oh, you will be, my naughty girl, you will be."

Her aunt sat down on the couch, and Colleen found herself being pulled over and then bent over her aunt's knees. She felt her short skirt flipped up and then saw her aunt grab her pocketbook and take out her dreaded hairbrush. Colleen gritted her teeth as she waited for the spanking to begin.


The spanks came fast and furious as Colleen howled in pain as the hairbrush smacked her behind hard.


Despite Colleen being spanked earlier, her aunt didn't spare Colleen one bit. Not saying a word, she slowed the pace down a bit, and now methodically, continued spanking the distressed teen. Tears streaming down her cheeks, she couldn't help but twist and turn but her aunt held her down firmly, making sure Colleen didn't escape a solitary spank from the hairbrush. The spanking continued on until her aunt had applied the hairbrush repeatedly to her entire bottom and upper thighs, the later spanks really causing Colleen to howl. Meanwhile, her two cousins watched Colleen's spanking and winced at the painful spanks that Colleen was receiving. They both had sympathy for Colleen, knowing how it felt to be spanked while their cousin watched. As the spanking went on and on, Colleen's sobs turned into one continuous wail, she no longer fighting the spanking, and just hung over her aunt's knees like a rag doll, painfully accepting her aunt's severe punishment until finally it ended.

Colleen was helped up and then marched to the corner, each step of the way punctuated with another smack of the hairbrush, until her nose was firmly ensconced in the corner. As she stood there, wailing, she felt her aunt's hands on her skirt and understood that her aunt was pinning her skirt up in back.

"If I were you, young lady, I'd keep my hands in front of you. Any rubbing and you'll be going right back over my knees and I'll repeat the spanking you just had. I don't think you want that. You can think about your irresponsibility and also how Billy and Bobby got spanked because you weren't doing your job. Maybe they need to see how you got punished for your misbehavior."

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