Chapter 1

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    I am a werewolf. You would think that with those powers, life was cool. That I could run at inhumane speed and have heightened senses. But it's pretty bad.

I lost my parents at a young age, precisely twelve. They were the betas.
Second in command.
Supposedly, I moved into the pack house. Since we lived at the official beta house before. And I became, an omega, if not probably lower.

Yes, I was maltreated and suffered greatly at the hands of the Alpha family.

The alpha in person didn't know about this , but he never tried.
Expectantly, I was supposed to be in great grief and sorrow.

It started with a few house chores, just to help the other pack members.
I helped of course, cooking, cleaning. I saw it as my thank you for accepting me wholeheartedly.
Yes I would show them how greatful I was.

Then the new beta family came and supplied my already struggling state with pain.They took the pain of being second best in comparison and redirected it to me.

My life became hysterical than it already was.
I didn't fight or fend of these people.
No , I either ignored or endured.

The other pack members were annoyed that I didn't, couldn't, defend my self from these predators that preyed on my weakness and therefore refrained from trying to help.

What a dumb excuse!

I started officially as a maid and no one objected. So it was settled. I didn't dress in maids clothes though, but I looked worse than most maids in the pack house.

But at fifteen, I shifted.
I remember it so vividly.

'I started with some symptoms. Low temperance, high self esteem, and a seemingly bad temper.
I cracked with very little provocation. They all saw it like I was trying to over ride them.
That day, it wasn't my birthday or anything. In fact , my birthday passed a few weeks before that.
I was just fifteen.
I felt itchy of some sort. The uneasiness was dwindled up my spine. I was restless. The whole day I did the exact opposite of what I was told. I was completely somewhere else.
Every one had gone to bed.
I chose to stay out a little more, enjoy the midnight breeze away from this misery. I stepped out of the pack house and into the forest.
I trekked for a while, branches and twigs scraping and scratching my skin.
I came to an opening, on a small cliff over seeing  the forest our pack occupied, our borders, and beyond the borders . I was already miles away from the pack house.

I saw a faint light outside our borders on the far end of the forest. It was probably rogue area.

I leaned back and stretched fort my arms. This was it , this was peace.

Then it struck me, a sharp pain in my back. I heard a crunch and let out an earsplitting scream.

One by one, my bones snapped out of place and rearranged out of the human order. The pain stung me and I felt each bone revitalize.
I fell to the ground and arced my back and my spine snapped into bits and became bigger and longer, I was on all fours and my fore legs shrank and bulged out thicker than before.
My face elongated and my nose stretched out forming a much larger mouth and more teeth tore out of my gums along side fangs as they glistened under the light of the moon.
Furry ears grew on the top of my head and a large fluffy tail whipped out of my spine bones' end.
My finger nails stretched and my hands and legs turned to paws. Just when I thought the pain had subsided, I yelped and shrieked even louder as needle like objects erected from every inch and part of my body tearing through my skin.

I fell to the floor breathless.
So this was how it felt when you just shifted. It was terribly painful.

I took in deep breaths as various scents hit me .
I was miles away from the pack house, but I could smell the scent of Jordan one of the betas twin and the shrilly voice of Joyce his twin sis. They were both arguing  in the pack house at midnight.

Then I felt something's eyes drilling into my head and  froze. No one moved, nothing sounded but I still felt that uneasy feeling from stares, plus this person's scent was so strong, like stream rocks and mint, so I bolted away from the cliff. I was a wolf now so I ran with speed .
The other wolf followed closely behind.
He growled as he figured his speed didn't match up to mine but Instead, howled while running alerting the others.

I ran and ran, my life depended on it. But if I wanted to reach home safely and not endanger anyone,I had to shake them off.

I turned left and right and right and left, I kept on diverting from the trail that led to our borders.

When I lost them, I sped off to the pack Territory. I sneaked in through the back, and cut my way to my room, locking the door shut. My chest heaved up and down from the ferocious race I had run, to keep my life.
Those rogues would have devoured me whole.
For sure.

I took in a deep breath, I thought about my human self, and my bones were back to snapping to crunching and retraction of the canine features. I stood up naked and turned on the shower.

After I took a nice and long bath, I put on my PJs and dozed off.

I woke up pretty refreshed the next day. Took my bath and put on a faded black jean trousers and a big red
t shirt which I tied at the side just like a crop top.

The happiness was evident on me and I considered the the thought of checking my reflection in the mirror.

My wounds had all disappeared and my face and skin was  now flawless, not even a scar.
My shimmering blonde hair glistened from the reflection of the sun through my window and my sapphire blue eyes had turned midnight blue.
Who knew shifting into your wolf had so many attributes. And the best of all, I finally found my wolf."mia"

I heard footsteps approaching my room and headed out before  whoever it was would meet me inside.
As I walked to the kitchen, I got stares and gaping from several other wolves.

Was I that pretty now?

The rest of the kitchen helps all commented on how good I looked all of a sudden and I gave them all an approving smile. Internally I snorted at their act of hypocrisy.

I knew it was all out of jealousy any way and no one was really my friend here.

Atleast I had mia to rely on.

I heard her humph as we received compliments for the sudden transformation and she grew with pride.

'yes , we are beautiful thank you very much'

She would say with pride behind me.

The next part of the plan was set in motion. We would leave on the night of the ascension of the heir to the alpha seat. We figured the celebration would lose the excess guarrds at the borders and I could easily slip throughout. By the time they would notice, if they noticed, I would be long gone.

The first part of the plan had been to shift. Since I had done that particularly early, the plan was set to commence earlier than expected.

We were now leaving on the Declaration of the Alpha ceremony

However we would liberate ourselves earlier than planned .

Mia couldn't be more happier, we had nothing to lose any way, best of all we would be free from these miserable living, rogues were the next part of our problems but we had that already. There was no one to mourn our absence anyway and definitely  no crush or mate around here so .'

I chuckled as I reminisced those memories.

Today was the day of execution. 

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