Chapter 1 (Wilbur)

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Quick A/N before we start:

Welcome to the first chapter of my story! I am finally able to post this again after a hot minute!

This first chapter will be in Wilbur's point of view, the next one will be in Nicholas's. Who is Nicholas? Read the chapter and find out.

anyways, on with the show! (Or chapter lmao.) Enjoy!

Everything was dark. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that I was floating in nothingness. I saw a bright little dot. It was slowly getting closer to me. I tried to get closer to it, but I couldn't move. After a few minutes it was in front of me, floating there. "What is this thing?" I thought. I wanted to touch it, but I had a feeling that something would happen if I did.

"Wilbur..." A strange voice popped into my head. "Touch it Wilbur. You must."

My hands slowly reached forward to grab the bright yellow ball. It was like I was under its control. The second the palms of my hands and the tips of my fingers touched it, my vision turned white. Everything disappeared.

Suddenly, I woke up covered in sweat. "Why did that dream feel so weird?" I thought. Maybe it has something to do with today being the last day of summer. School is starting tomorrow, and maybe I was just having some anxiety about it. I decided I would relax today to get rid of the anxiety. I was going to head over to the park.

I loved relaxing at the park. There was a very small clearing surrounded by lots and lots of trees that nobody else knew about. I always liked reading or doing homework there, because there were no distractions. It was always calm and relaxing whenever I went there. I got dressed, brushed my teeth and went downstairs for breakfast. "There you are! Did you get a good night's sleep?" My mother asked. "I guess you could say that."

"I made your favorite for breakfast!" There was a plate of nice fluffy pancakes with syrup drizzled on it. They looked amazing. "Thank you." I sat down and started eating. Mom was cleaning the dishes. "So, school's starting soon." She said from the kitchen. "Are you ready for your next year of high school?" She asked. "Yeah, I guess. I just don't really know what to expect."

"Well, when I was in high school my favorite class was chemistry. Learning about different elements and seeing what happens when you mix them together! That class was so fun. That reminds me of this one time..." She kept talking on and on, but I wasn't really listening. I wanted to get to the park as quickly as possible. So, I finished eating my breakfast and grabbed everything I wanted. "Bye mom! I'm heading over to the park!" I put everything in my bag and headed out the door.

I was walking over when I stopped to look at the trees. They were still green, but I knew they would soon be turning nice shades of red, orange, yellow and brown. I loved autumn and its amazing color palette. I kept walking over to the park while admiring nature.

Apparently, I was too busy looking at the trees to notice someone in front of me. I stumbled back, and I realized that I had bumped into someone.

"Oh! sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." I was so embarrassed. Why was I so distracted?

The boy didn't seem to notice that I was overwhelmed. "You don't have to apologize. I wasn't paying attention either." I then realized that he didn't look very familiar. "Wait, I've never seen you before. Are you new here?" I asked. "Yes, actually. I moved here a few days ago. My name is Nicholas, but you can call me Nick."

"I'm Wilbur." I pulled out my phone and looked at the time. I needed to be there now if I wanted to be back on time. "I should get going. See you around!"

I ran past him, already trying to forget about that awkward conversation.


Finally, I made it to the park. I was walking around when I started wondering about that new kid, Nick. I hadn't seen moving trucks anywhere, so I didn't really know where he lived. Does he even live anywhere around this neighborhood?

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