Chapter 3

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I found myself in a dream again, but instead of floating in space I found myself in an endless flat field of grass. Suddenly a large pillar of stone rose out of the ground. I walked towards it, wondering what it was. As soon as I got close to it, a large shadow-like monster emerged from behind it.

I started running in the opposite direction, but it was slightly faster than I was. I wanted to scream, but no sound came out of my mouth. It was closing in on me, and I didn't want to get caught by it. "I wish I could get out of this nightmare!" I thought frantically. Then I heard a voice calling my name. "Wilbur. Don't be afraid of it. It isn't going to hurt you."

I didn't really trust that voice, but it did sound familiar. I decided to see if it was telling the truth. I suddenly stopped, and turned to face the monster. It stopped right in front of me and screamed out in pain as it started melting.

How odd.

After the creature melted, I saw a strange figure that seemed to be made of light. "How does it feel to have killed a monster?" It spoke, softly.

I woke up a few minutes later to my alarm. I wanted to think about the dream but I was too busy getting ready for my second day of school. I liked the second day because that was when we started working on assignments and projects. I went downstairs and made myself a bowl of cereal to start the day. I couldn't wait to talk to Nicholas again. I could tell we might be friends, even if our first interaction was really awkward.

"Have a nice day at school honey!" Mom said as I headed out the door. I was sure I was going to have a good one.

As I made my way to school, my body was feeling a little weird. My hands were tingling and my head felt stuffy. I hoped I wasn't getting sick. That wouldn't be good because I would be behind on work, and I didn't want extra stuff to do.

After homeroom, I walked over to Geometry, and I sat down in my seat. I saw Nicholas walk in just a minute before the bell. "How are you liking it here?" I asked after he sat down. "It's great. I think things are going to be better here." He responded. Better? Were things worse where he used to live?

I didn't ask him about anything else even though I was curious. The teacher started talking about symmetry and that this was something we would be learning in the first unit. I already knew a little bit of Geometry and this was one of the things I had studied over the summer. I knew this was going to be easy.

I made it through the rest of class with no problem. I was really liking the teacher, and I knew I was also liking this subject. Yes, I know I like school a little too much, but who doesn't?

The teacher had given us homework that was basically a review of some other things that we had worked on in the past.

My next class was art. I already knew it was going to be my favorite class, because I liked making art and was okay at it. The arts hallway was a big U shape surrounding the auditorium. I had to walk past the main entrance of the school to get there. I walk inside and immediately get blasted with cool air. Other kids in the class told me she always had the air conditioning on, even during the cold winter. They believe it had something to do with it being stuck on and the school not bothering to fix it. Either that, or they just didn't have the money. It did turn off at the end of the day when they turned all of the heating and air conditioning off.

I sat down in my seat. "Wow, it's freezing in here!" I thought jokingly out loud to myself as I pulled out a pencil and my sketchbook. The teacher had told us the day before to bring in our sketchbooks by friday. I brought the one I had planned to use this year. She started talking about how our first project of this year was to create a presentation about an old famous artist and present it to the class. She had a list that we could choose from. I looked through the list and decided to choose Andy Warhol. I pulled out my computer and notebook to start taking notes. I grabbed my pencil and started to write stuff down.

A few minutes later, my pencil felt weird. I looked down at my paper and was confused as to why nothing was being written down. Is my pencil frozen?

I then looked at my pencil and saw that it was frozen solid. "What the-!" I threw it onto the ground in surprise. I stared at it in shock. The ice had shattered off of it. "Wilbur, is everything alright?" The teacher asked. "Yes. I'm fine." I said in embarrassment. I grabbed the pencil and placed it back onto my desk. I sank lower into my seat, and everyone was staring at me.

How could this have happened? My mind was racing. I tried to think of anything that could've caused this. I went back to earlier, when I jokingly thought, Wow, it's freezing in here! So was it my thoughts that caused this to happen? I was confused. These were definitely those powers the "Mother of light" was talking about. I thought. I need to test this out later.

Throughout the rest of the day, the weird magic outbursts only got worse. The smallest random thought would activate them, and it was hard to keep it hidden from other people. It wasn't just ice either. I burned a paper a teacher gave me and had to ask for a new one, and in the middle of class when it was silent, someone sneezed which made a bunch of people sneeze and water suddenly shot out of my hands like a bullet in another class. It disappeared somehow and everyone was trying to figure out what the sound was.

At the end of the day, I was scared that something bad would happen and was trying to calm myself down. I didn't want to tell my parents, because I knew they would freak out. Their precious son suddenly had magic powers and would be a danger to everyone, especially since I couldn't control them. When I got home, I began to think of something that might help me.

Or someone.

I decided to text Nicholas. We exchanged numbers in case we wanted to talk. Also, we talked a lot in class and the teacher was starting to get annoyed because of that. So, we decided to use our phones if we wanted to have a conversation while not disrupting the teacher.

I told him to meet me at the park by midnight and that it was urgent. I wanted to give him some time to think about it. Later, at around 11:15, I snuck out of the house and went towards the park, the moonlight guiding me. Once I got into the park though, it was difficult to see with the trees blocking the moonlight. I thought about what I might do to help Nicholas find this place. I thought about waiting here for him, but I didn't want anyone to see me. I turned on my phone and used the flashlight so that he could see me. I was still wondering if we would even show up.

Maybe he is going to be here. If he didn't think I was crazy. But, he hadn't responded to my text saying that I was. He hadn't responded to my text at all.

"Come on! I need someone here right now! Where is he?" I really hoped that he would actually show up. If he didn't show up, then I was screwed. I wouldn't have someone who could help me, and I also would lose my only chance at a new friend.

All I needed to do now was to stay here and wait.

A/N: Finally another chapter posted

It's currently winter break for me

I hate this school laptop because my N key isn't working as well as it should be (Idk what the problem is lmao)

stay tuned for the next chapter folks

hope u enjoyed and I'll see you later

*Explodes once again*

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