Then Run For It

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After I cried my eyes out under Joham’s punishment I was graciously released. I was led back into Jennifer’s room, so we could become roommates from now on. I was like, fuck this shit and crawled inside her wardrobe. This way I could keep myself safe. I waited here like a princess in her tower. Only that a princess was protected by a single dragon, and I was trapped in between four. I spent three days like this. Waiting in my tower, I mean wardrobe to be saved.

“Is she still in there?” I heard Serena’s harsh words from outside.

“Yes.” Came Jennifer’s light voice.

“Get her out of there before dinner or you won’t eat eather.” She ordered and walked out.

That harpy of a woman didn't have a good day and it sealed onto the others too. Truth be told, I didn't have good days eather.

“Carlie…” Jennifer hesitantly knocked on the door of the wardrobe. I didn't answer, instead I pulled farther inside.

“I am really, Really sorry. I didn't know it would turn out like this but you can't stay there forever.” She repeated it for thousands of times.

“Are you sure you aren’t hungry? It isn’t good for you.” She begged me when I didn’t answer.

When I say I didn't leave my spot I meant it. Serena told her sisters to let me be. I will come out when I get bored from this stupid game. She said, but shame on her, I didn't get bored, but rather starved.

Fun fact starvation causes hybrids to show their vampire sides. My skin had become paler than ever. Under my eyes appeared those iconic purple bags that my parents usually have when they are thirsty, and my body feels much cooler than normally does. In other circumstances it would be an interesting experiment.

Jennifer took the bravery to open my door. I growled at her warningly. She crouched down in a non threatening way to look at me.

“I know it is difficult, but if you don't obey both of us will be punished.” She tried to reason.

She dared to be on the edge of crying. She was not the victim here! Or the main victim, I say, since in a way they all are the victims of abuse. I growled again and balled up into the corner. This whole family is a mess. I rather starve to death before I give up and join this nonsense.

“Jen. Move.” Maysun marched into the room and pushed her sister away from the wardrobe. She grabbed the furniture and basically started to tear it apart piece by piece.

“May! What are you doing?” Jennifer was shocked but didn't dare to stop her sister.

Before Maysun could rip my whole defense fully apart I jumped at her and bit into one of her arms. She cursed and when she wanted to get back to me I was already standing a few steps from her in a safer distance. I sharply followed her every move waiting for another attack. But it didn't come.

“Now listen to me you little shit.” She started and massaged her arm where I bit her. My venom already started to burn her veins. “I am telling you this out of kindness. You better bow your head or get lost. I don’t want to deal with your mess much longer.”

Both me and Jennifer looked at her with disbelief. Get lost? How could she say something like that? Their father would be really mad if he hears something like this. These were Jennifer’s concerns. Me on the other hand saw clearly what Maysun wanted to say.

Joham is never satisfied with his children. He always showes his displeasure in various ways. They got used to it and in a way they learned to avoid it. But I came along, not like it was out of my free will, and I beated up the still waters. Bow down or get lost, she said. It wasn't about my stolen freedom. It was about their survival that my presence endangers. If I won’t cooperate they will pay the price.

My cliché life as Renesmee's twinWhere stories live. Discover now