S1 E1: Murder Family

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(WARNING: if you are a child under 18, don't read this until you hit that age!)


???: "I was a good person before it all went down, I was good my entire life."

The scene opens up to a school house as the bell on the roof rings. Inside a woman named, Mrs. Mayberry, opens the classroom curtains revealing two birds singing on a tree branch. She takes the chalk and writes "Good Morning!" on the blackboard and says to her students,

Mrs. Mayberry: "Good morning~!"

She turns to face her class with a smile and says,

Mrs. Mayberry: "I hope you've done your homework!"

The students just start dancing at their desks as the other student goes in the corner on a stool with a cone hat, they start singing.

Students: We love to do our homework and we love our teacher too!

Mrs. Mayberry: And when I throw out these fun questions you should know what to do!

Students: Ok!

Mrs. Mayberry: 2 + 6 is?

Students: 8!

Mrs. Mayberry: And good behavior is?

Students: Great!

Mrs. Mayberry: And now, it's that part when we say the time of day and date!

Boy student 1: It's 9 in the morning

Girl student 1: Of January 8th

Girl student 2: The sun is out smiling!

Boy student 2: And it's your husband's birthday!

The rest of the students continues to sing as Mrs. Mayberry faces the blackboard. She moves the chalk in a line roughly as she had a terrified realization look on her face. She immediately turns to her students and yelled out,

Mrs. Mayberry: "Oh my stars! Stop singing children! Hush up, now!"

The class looked confused about what was going on, she said to her students with an upset and sad expression,

Mrs. Mayberry: "I forgot it's my husband's birthday! I didn't get him anything special!"

Girl student 2: "Maybe if we call him, we could do a happy birthday surprise!"

Meanwhile inside a bedroom, the sound of moaning and bed squeaking happens in the background. The computer screen was ringing labeled "Wifey" on the screen. A sock was thrown on the computer followed by a pair of ladies panties.

The woman was giggling and saying a lot of inappropriate words as an unused condom was thrown at the screen, accepting the call. Mrs. Mayberry's face appeared on the screen, she smiled at first, but then turned to complete shock when she saw her husband was cheating on her.

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