A 2023 A/N Update

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date: december 13, 2023

Hello new or old readers, I have recently taken this book down to make edits and planned to rewrite it but decided to just keep it up instead.

If you're new to this.m book I will give you a heads up.... I wrote this book when I was 14/15 years old and my english wasn't as good as it is now. There's a shit ton of errors and i cringe to all this. My plan is to slowly rewrite everything outside wattpad and then update it all at the same time. Will start this month since I will be on winter break and don't work anymore. Plan to at least have this book fully rewritten and edited by 2024. Names will be changed and some characters might change as well.

Like I mentioned, read with precaution or save it for when it's fully updated!

Happy Holidays !

The Alpha's Soldier (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now