Chapter 15

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My head is empty ugh. Need help here right now but eh here's another.



We're two hours away from Tyler's pack. Andrew has been a little to touchy with me and Lexi still wants blood but I'm trying to control her still. Andrew keeps glancing at me every five minutes and it's getting annoying.

"What Andrew!?" I turned in my seat so I can look at him and he just smiles at me and shakes his head no. Goddess this guy.

Love you kitten, Andrew mind linked me and kissed my hand that he was holding. He hasn't really talked to me because he knows that I'm not in the mood because 1) the hybrid mark is itching me so bad I want to claw myself and 2) I found out the mark that was left yesterday went up to my jaw, back of my neck and part of my back. His mark was all his arm and then went to his shoulder and covered half of his chest, he couldn't have told me first?

When I asked him he said he didn't know because since I was different both marks can be different.

"Babe I told you I didn't know okay? Just talk to me already," he has tried everything since we left the hotel in Minnesota. He had made me purr but other than that nothing.

"I don't want to talk because I feel if I talk I would kill you and the little mermaid back there," I pointed at the back seat where Jeannette was sitting with Andrew's phone. Andrew decided to be a good alpha and lend her his phone to play in. He doesn't even let me touch his phone.

That was another reason I didn't want to talk because I was mad that she gets to touch his phone and not me. I know stupid.

I started feeling dizzy and sick and I started seeing blurry. Now this wasn't normal for a werewolf, we don't get sick.

"Babe...... stop the...... car...." I had my hand in my mouth and Andrew immediately stopped the car to the side, the soldiers stopping too.

I got off of the car quickly and just when I stepped out I bend over and threw up. I felt someone pat in my back and pick my hair up, I saw feet in front of me and knew that they were the soldiers. When I stopped I looked down to see that I threw up blood but it wasn't red it was black (like teen wolf. sorry carry on) I looked up to Andrew and the rest of my pack, who were in fact shocked and Josh looked ready to faint.

"Andrew what's going on with me?" I asked him and looked at him with worried eyes and you could here the panic in my voice. This is not the soldier that came two weeks ago, now I look weak and that's bad for me and my pack.

"Okay don't worry, we're about an hour away from Tyler's pack I'm sure the pack doctor can help," it was 3 fucking in the morning I don't think they would wake up to treat me but thats a rule in every pack.

"I called Tyler, he send fighters to the border to help her ones we get there and the pack doctor has everything ready," Toby said with his phone in hand. Toby was the one that did the right stuff without me or my brother to tell him so I wasn't surprise.

"Thanks Toby. Leila lets get you cleaned up so we can go," thats when I noticed that I was covered in blood, in my chin and almost all my shirt.

"Yeah sure. Can you see if I have a shirt in my car?" I told Andrew. All Andrew's and my bags were in Toby's car, which was way far right now. Andrew went to the back of my car and opened the trunk up. While he was searching, my claws came out and I used them to cut the bottom of my shirt since it would be hard to take off.

When Andrew came I had the cut up shirt in the floor, he looked up and immediately growled and came to me.

"Put it on now!" he growled lowly. I know it was the mark and the bond of both of us and that he was a possessive alpha. I just rolled my eyes at him and pulled the shirt over my head.

"Happy," I told him with a fake smile and a hard stare. He nodded and took napkin out of his back pockets, he started cleaning my chin like if I was a baby. When he was done he took my hand and opened the door to the car so I could go in.

Jean was still in the back of the car looking confuse. Once Andrew was in the car he drove as fast as my car could go to Tyler's pack, the soldiers following the same speed behind us.


My head was pounding and Jeannette decided to start talking to Andrew and of course he answered her back. That jerk! I'm never having kids with him, it's not like I'm planning to have kids anyway.

We were 15 minutes away from Tyler's pack border and if I don't get out I'm going to kill the girl without a second thought. Jeannette was one of those girls that had that annoying voice that just wants you to scream at them because they are freaking annoying.

I kept tapping my feet and drumming my fingers when Lexi and me had enough, mostly Lexi. Without me thinking what I was doing next, I turned around in my seat and grabbed Jeannette by the neck. She started screaming and crying and Andrew started screaming too and was pulling my arms but he couldn't do much since he was driving. I felt Lexi take over my body but I tried to fight her but still felt my eyes shift and both fangs and nails came out.


"THATS WHAT SHE GETS FOR TALKING WITH THAT ANNOYING VOICE OF HERS!" I told him with a really deep growled. The car moved from side to side while Andrew tried to grab my arms.

I didn't know we stopped until my door got yanked open and I got pulled out a little to hard. I got pushed down to the floor and a loud growled came out from somewhere. I looked up to see Tyler and Andrew looking down at me and I think it was Tyler who growled, Andrew didn't look to happy with me.

I looked to the side where I heard crying and saw Aurora crying with Jeannette in her arms, I shifted without thinking and ran to where they were. I pushed Josh away and he growled but stopped once he saw and bowed his head as everyone else. I got Aurora and Jeannette under me, both of them crying and Jeannette was bleeding from the neck where my claws were earlier.

I growled while looking at them.

Tyler's POV (the alpha that is close by the pack of Leila and the ex of  Leila)

I was in the border with the fighters waiting for Leila and her soldiers to get here after Toby called me saying that Leila is really sick and needed the pack doctor. I knew this was bad because she never got sick and our kind don't get sick.

I saw a maroon car moving from side to side and a guy fighting with a girl that had a little girl by her neck. Some of my fighters shifted while the others stood there ready for attack. The car stopped and after that the others stopped too, a guy got of the car and yanked the car door and pulled the girl harsh by her arm and pushed her to the floor. I walked to where he was because no one treats a girl like that, I looked at the girl in the floor seeing that it was my ex-girlfriend Leila with her claws and fangs out and red eyes?

I growled at both of them. Right before my eyes a red wolf was in front of me and attacked the two girls who were crying. Everyone immediately bowed their heads, even me and my soldiers. She had a strong aura, I mean I knew Leila had alpha and royal blood but I never had smelled her aura this strong.

My fighters went after the wolf and the guy that I knew as Josh went and grabbed both girls and ran to the black car that was behind the maroon car.


Hope this was good enough since my mind was blank.

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