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You entered the greenery with extreme pride, pleased that you had made it so far with only a scratch for an injury. Albeit, bleeding and trickling down your arm, but still a much preferred option compared to the alternative.

You weaved around the tall hedges, craning your neck back to spot the tops. They were all meticulously cut and trimmed, not a single piece of leaf or twig sticking out. It was a stark contrast to the rest of the labyrinth, which seemed jagged and deliberately dangerous. This, however, felt calm and serene, like you had just stepped into a dream.

You admired the flowers that poked out from underneath the hedges. You blinked in awe at the bees and ladybirds that danced around the delicious nectar. You watched, feeling happy, as a butterfly soared past your face, its wing brushing delicately against your nose. You hummed in excitement, sensing the life that this very section of the labyrinth contained.

For a moment, you had almost forgotten as to why you were within the labyrinth. The calm of this section made you feel extremely at ease. You caught yourself smiling. You let the sun shine down on you. You soaked up the moment.

And then, you spotted a horse moving behind the hedge. You listened to his hooves clicking against the stone floor. You stepped beyond the hedge, careful with your placement as you searched for the creature that would surely add to the serenity.

To your amazement, you came face to face with a mythical creature, even more dazzling than fairies and goblins. You concealed a gasp, your eyes twinkling under its cautious stare.

You remained rooted to the spot, watching as the unicorn huffed and wheezed, shaking his head. Glitter sparkled from its mane; its tail swished, sending a wave of wind in your direction. You stared in awe, your childhood self urging you to approach it and fulfil your childish dreams and wants.

"How beautiful," you mutter softly. You step closer, amazed that the stark white unicorn didn't even flinch or flee at your approach. It watched, curious, as if it knew you meant no harm at all, no malice. You lifted up your hand, your fingers gently brushing again the unicorns nose. "I never thought I'd meet a creature as stunning as yourself."

As if it understood you, the unicorn stood proudly. You smiled and continued to run your fingers through its soft coat. You were filled with glee at this very moment. The entire situation felt unreal, so serene that it must be a dream of sorts. But the pain in your arm kept you grounded to reality—it wasn't a dream, and you were truly here, standing in the middle of a labyrinth and fussing over a unicorn.

"I wonder, are there more of you?" You asked calmly, the unicorns eyes catching your curious gaze. It snorted, pulling its head away and looking into another direction. You followed its gaze, eyes trailing to a fountain that depicted a unicorn and a fae rider. You blinked in awe, approaching the detailed fountain, watching as water spurted from the fae's hand and pooled into the bottom.

At the base of the fountain were words carved in stone.

The Last Of Us

You frowned.

The last of us? You repeated in your mind, trying to pick apart its meaning. You turned back to the unicorn, who lingered nearby, a sadness present in its gorgeous eyes. You timidly approached, this time you hand stroking its nose with a particular type of love.

"The last of your kind," you repeated quietly. "You must be so incredibly lonely."

The unicorn seemed to sense this. It huffed again, now pushing its nose into your side. It nudged you firmly, as if to now guide you away from the fountain. You furrowed your brows at this, trying to understand what the unicorn was doing. It continued to guide you forcefully to a gap in the hedges—if you hadn't have been looking, you wouldn't have even noticed it. Then, the unicorn stopped pushing you, but it planted itself firmly behind to stop you from moving backwards.

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