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The world around you faded into the familiar sight of your apartment. You furiously blinked and rubbed your eyes, to the point where stars danced across them.

Could it have been a dream?

Harry groaned loudly, drawing your attention to him. He sat up from the floor, a bedsheet draped uselessly around his waist. He ran his fingers through his hair, his eyes scanning the apartment lazily before they finally landed on you.

You sat quietly on the floor.


It wasn't a dream. That was far too real to have been a dream. And you wanted to go back. Now.

"I wish the goblins would—"

Harry threw himself over to you in an instant, his hand clamping over your mouth to muffle your words. You screamed in frustration and tried to push him off as he backed you into the floor, his body pressing against yours and suffocating any freedom you'd regained.

"Are you insane?!" Harry growled, the whites of his eyes bloodshot and shaking. You figured he must have been crying at some point, but you were in no position to ask him about it, nor did you care for his wellbeing anymore. You pushed against his chest, but he remained firmly in place. "Don't you dare say those words again!"

You struggled against him, wanting to desperately break free. But he wasn't letting up. He couldn't keep you there forever; he knew that too, but there was something playing on his mind with the way he stared down at you.

"He's a Fae," Harry breathed out shakily, sounding almost scared. "You know more than I do what Fae are capable of. They trick people, [Name], and you almost fell for those tricks!"


You screamed into his hand again, shaking your head furiously to the side to try and make him shift. Harry pressed his hand harder into your mouth, to the point where breathing was becoming difficult. Was he trying to kill you now? What a way to die. Being stripped away from everything you desired because his fragile ego couldn't cope with losing you. Pathetic.

"That Goblin King was using you," Harry explained hurriedly, as if he was still on a timer to save you. "He showed you what you desired. He did the same to me. He wanted me to stay there, forever. But I said no. I saw right through his lies."

Why was he saying all of this stuff? Tears gathered in streams as they fell down your face. You refused to believe Harry; he'd ruined your future with the Goblin King; with Jareth. You caught him in his act of betrayal and he hated that you sought revenge on him too, now he was tarnishing any chance of happiness that you had left.

"He was toying with you the entire time, [Name]," Harry said in a low tone, now sounding dangerously desperate. "Could you not see those goblins laughing at you? It was all part of their elaborate game to make a fool of you. The lot of them are evil."

You twisted your upper body and finally managed to remove Harry's hand from your mouth. You gasped for air and pushed your hands into his throat, effectively choking him and forcing him away. He gagged loudly and backed off, coughing wildly as you shuffled backwards to create a safe distance. You glared at him with a raging fire in your eyes, furious that he would dare lay his hands on you like that.

"You're a cold hearted liar!" You wailed out loudly, voice trembling as you spoke.

"I'm not lying," Harry defended quickly. He massaged his throat with his fingers in tender circles. A stray tear rolled down his cheek. "You were blinded by his charms. Fae do that. But you're safe now, you're far away from him and we can—"

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