The truth

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"It was beautiful weekend morning, Angela was making medicine from the herbs, she found in the jungle...
Maya used to play outside with her friends..
And started working with our neighbour....
And Jameson, he used to roam around the village.
He was a loner type.

I... Well I used to stay home and rest.. I was sick." Noah skipped his part..
"The competition was coming..." He continues.

"Wait." Alex stops him, "What competition?"

"The competition, They used to have in royals cities.. to provide job opportunities to poor but talented people.." he said..

"Yeah, but..that game is supposed to be only played in royal cities.. it's not meant for villages.. And on the other hand it's not some kind of Competition.. isn't it supposed to be a game." Medelin said.

"Yes. And goverment and higher ups they never allow guilds to held this kind of programs in villages.."

"They said, it was a Competition. Na dnot only guilds also... One of the royal family was there too With some knights.." Noah said..

"Which one?" Alex ask..
"The Mayers." Noah said.

"What? " He asked..
"Isn't that..." Medelin stopped..

The Names seem very distracting to Alex and medelin and also important.. Noah thought.

"It's alright go on" Alex said.

"Yeah, so the competition began." The scene was pretty clear in his head..

"I was with Angela, at home. She stayed with me because I was sick, so she stayed with me..

Whole village was empty except for our house.
D, maya and Jameson they also went for competition.."

Alex and medelin were listening to him very carefully.

"I... " ,what he was about to say was a secret.. secret he and Angela had secured...

"I.. I am powerless...", he waits. Look in there eyes,

"Really?" Alex asked.."I am sorry." He says.

"Angela knew everything, and that's why she restricted me from taking part in the competition.. Despite that..

I left.." a moment of silence fell over.

"It was our plan, maya, D and Jameson, we made a plan that I will take a part with them.."

"And then?" Medelin asked..

"Then... The game began, and we were stuck in a do-or-die situation... in short, i got stabbed in the back by my friends, left alone in the cave and became food for the Hunter spider... And that about it.. what I remember. When I woke up I saw you."

He held his tears back.. for some reason he just wanted to stop crying and feeling weak.

"Seems like you have been through a lot.." Alex said..

"But when did you saw, Angela getting murdered?" Medelin asked.

"I saw her when I was dreaming.. so I thought maybe I did it..maybe because I left the house she died..." he was confused, Noah never really met Angel after the competition began.. she was on his mind though, all the time.. when he was in the cave.Alone, scared..

"And, that all that, when I woke up I saw you two." Noah pushed the memories and said.

He was complete on his point, he made sure they know everything.

"Tell me what you know" he asked.

A moment of silence. Alex just got know what Noah has been through.. but hiding the truth from him wasn't very a good idea.

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