The Princess

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I have been awake the whole night.. again.

I lay there waiting for my servant to come and wake me. I have been staring at my ceiling for a long time now..

I tried to look away.. my room was full of heavy things..

Decorations, toys, a prince and a princess..there cute little castle,
My story books.. the heavy chair, with lots of my dresses I pulled out of my cupboard last night..
As I was busy looking through my room..
The door knob spins, she tucks her head through a small opening of the door,

"My princess.. may I come?", She said.

The woman was older almost like in mid 40.

"Come in.", I said. Not bothering to get up from my huge bed..

She enters the room, mina. My mother's most loyal and trustworthy servant.
She was assigned to me at my birth. That's what she say.

"Let's get you dressed." Mina said.
"I wish to rest a bit." I said.

"You know that's not possible..", mina said.

That's our regular conversation.. I ask for a little more time and she refuses.

"Well then.." I got up from my bed and do what she says.

While I take shower she picks my clothes..

Today, It was a white-green combination, top was of comfortable cotton fabric with lime shades and a little hand work to it, well the sleeves were long and puffy, at the waist belt was design same as skirt, had a lot of hand work.

I manged to pull the skirt, lime green suits me..
I thought..
Well it looked good on me.

Next comes my hair..
Mina brushed my honey red hair, braided both sides by taking small portion of hair, and attcahed them in back with a white ribbon..

"Let's go.. everyone must be waiting..", mina said.

Yeah, like they wait for me.. none of them like me, and I don't like them either.

We walked together to the dinning room..
Surprisingly, King and queen were still waiting.. eating there food..

"Good morning mother and father.", i bowed, and sat on my position..

Nobody said a word.
Maybe because I was there..

"How is this new teacher?", said the king.

I cut my steak into pieces..

"Good." I said. I don't want to talk about it.

"That's it?", the queen said.
"I mean, tell me more about this teacher. How is she like?, does she treats you well?", she continues to talks..

Ahhh, why can't I just eat. That is the very reason I don't like eating with them..

"She is nice, helps me with my homework." I said. Most importantly she gives me her attention..

"That's good to hear.", the king said.

All the time I am there I will look down and won't look them in the eye..
I have decide.

"Darling you aren't even eating.", she said..
"Mina put some fresh vegetables on her plate.. you need to eat well.." , she ordered mina...

She is really funny.. trying to act like a caring mother, when everyone present here know very well she'll never be that.

"When will be Evan coming home?", Leroy asked.

Charlotte looked up from her plate..
"His letter came last night..",

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