Chapter 4

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I did not stand up to greet them. I stared unbelievingly at the two figures in jumpsuits, nervously standing before me.

"Your parents, Flora. Aren't you pleased?" The bald man repeated to emphasise that I should... interact with them. He looked at me as if I should be pleased.

How could I have been pleased? I had been marginalised for 9 years of my life because of my 'impertinence'- and on top of that I was given no information from my parents that 'everything will be all right' or 'we love you'. I didn't even have any information to hear that my parents missed me or that they would come back for me!

I had no words to express my anger. I stood in front of the trio and glared with intimidation. I glared as if to make it crystal clear I did not approve of their magically wonderful reappearance.

"Now Flora. We only did what was best for you, and because of this we forbade any communications from your parents. It has come to our attention that you have reached the age where you don't need to stay here any more."

I resembled a fish breathing under water.

"Yes, you are most definitely leaving- and with your parents too!" His face lit up as he gave me this news. His mouth twitched slightly into a smile and his eyebrows rose with glee. He looked pained. "Before you go however, I think it would be rather considerate of you to get to know your parents."

My parents took a seat opposite me without any objection and the bald man sat next to me.

"Mr and Mrs James, Flora. Flora, your parents." He gave me a look that said 'be polite.'.

"Hello my darling, it has been such a long time! You have grown so much." My mother had tears in her eyes already. She had a soft, timid voice and tended to smile with her eyes more than her mouth.
She was a very pretty woman. She had auburn hair that fell in waves to her shoulders, a defined face with rosy cheeks, and amber hazel eyes. She wore a brown jump suit- identical to my father's.
"My name is Valerie, and this is Eric."

Valerie... the name seemed familiar.

"The day has come at last. At long last, we can take you home."  My father on the other hand, was strong and confident and he had dirty blonde hair in a buzzcut style; matched with an intellectual look to his face. Although he was trying to seem 'outgoing', when he smiled it seemed to be forced.

"Why couldn't you before?" I said with accusation.

"Flora. That is really not necessary at this point in time." The bald man answered for them. It was as if  he was there for reassurance because my parents looked lost and bewildered.

"Mr and Mrs James," he restarted, "why don't you tell young Flora what will happen when she leaves this place?" With a new topic starter available,  they immediately launched into explanations of the world outside; each of them taking it in turns to describe the important details. I tried hard to ignore the bald man's use of 'young'.

"It is a marvellous world out there and there is so much to learn," mother began, "And everywhere you look there is a smile on someone's face." Father finished, almost scriptedly... they were very odd parents, was the bald man sure they were mine?

"It's instinct you know, to smile at someone because we believe in the art of respect and consideration for we were all created with a purpose!"

This is getting uncomfortable. I shifted in my seat.

"Ahem." The bald man glowered at them and it was their turn to shift uncomfortably in their seats. I raised my eyebrow in question and the bald man answered, "Everyone wants to be a great example for the children of course."

The Encroacher's Trilogy: Dystopia (COMPLETED) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن