Chapter 20

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Ailis and I acted first.
We battle cried into the Lab and found that most of the scientists were newbies and very afraid.
Some of them fought back with tasers but we hid behind beds and the weapons fell to the ground.
We kicked and punched the scientists, for a part of me felt killing them would not be right. After all... they were only doing their job. It was Ailis who suggested we should make an actual cease-fire. She said we should threaten them to 'leave or else we would attack'.
She made me make the announcement.
"Scientists! Stop!" Surprised at my demand, they for some reason dropped their weapons.
"Step away from the children, or else we will have to come to desperate measures. We really don't want to come to desperate measures."
"You guys are really going to believe this child? She's threatening us!" A young man of about 21 spoke. That was when Ailis stupidly pulled the trauma chair gun out of her pocket and fired.
I never even knew she had one.

*The trauma chair gun was like a grip hook of wires. When you aim it at someone, the wires attach to their head and make their worst fears a reality*.

The man fell to the floor and squirmed. Ailis must've had a lot of pride because the other scientists gasped and immediately ran for cover.
"Children," Some of them whimpered.
"We aren't going to hurt you. Come with us, to safety. We are going to a place where there is no war. There is only sanctuary and peace." Some of the children smiled, but they weren't convinced.
"I know how you feel. I too, was in here but look where I am now! Fighting against the scientists! Doesn't that tell you something? That they are bad people?" There were a few murmurs of agreement. Some even shifted towards the end of their bed.
"Our village has been wiped out. England isn't safe anymore.
We have to leave right away before we get killed. My mother is coming with us, and she is the best person you will meet. None of you will have a family anymore, but... we will be your family. You may not know us, but there will be a lot of time to get to know each other."
"Where are you going?" A girl of around 11 asked,
"America." There were a few cries of delight. It took a lot of time, but eventually the children decided to trust us and they came off their beds.

During my noble speech, Ailis was in the snug room translating everything I said to children's language- missing out the part about death and dead families. 

Soon enough, she had a convoy of 20 children behind her and we led them to the front door.
It was then my mother's part in the fight and she stepped in to roll the grenades into the Lab. She closed the door with one hand holding her nose and gave me the thumbs up.
I seemed to be the leader, so I opened the door to lead the children outside. Avery and Ailis carried Noah out to the children with Erica following behind them, when I heard a gun click.

The Encroacher's Trilogy: Dystopia (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now