Chapter Twenty-five

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Once Neo emptied the bottle Patrick helped him into bed. He also helped him get under the covers. He gave Neo one last kiss before heading to the bathroom. He grabbed the Advil bottle and placed it next to Neos phone that was on the desk. He wrote – if you don't remember what happened, come ask. Patrick- on the sticky note and placed it on top of the Advil bottle.

Once he got back over to the other dorm room the other two looked mad. They were cleaning up.

"Look he would not let go of me, so I gave him more kisses and he wanted more. I told him no and put him to bed. I expect you two not to bully him about tonight, and if he asks about it tell him the truth about what he did to you. Like how he kissed your cheek James and about how you teased him and kissed you Arc." Patrick said while grabbing the trash bag and placing it outside the dorm door.

"Yes sir. I don't think he will ask due to his nature of being well... being Neo." James said. He got all the snacks put away and turned off the radio. Arc finished putting the drinks away and finished cleaning up the table.

"I just hope he will talk to me now. I mean he seemed like he liked it when I touched him, or when I spoke to him softly. I just hope that this will help our relationship. But, anyways, I got to go to bed. I am tried and getting a headache." Arc said while he walked out of the dorm and into his dorm room. He slipped his socks off, climbed up his ladder, and fell asleep.

Neo woke up with a pounding headache. He groaned into his pillow before he wiggled down his bed, down his ladder, and started to head to the bathroom. As he walked to the bathroom, he spotted the Advil bottle and the note. He stopped in his tracks and pondered about why Patrick would write a note like that. He rubbed his frontal lobe and walked into the bathroom. He flicked on the light, went to use the bathroom, and then walked to the sink. He looked into the mirror and froze. His neck and chest were covered in hickeys. He moved his hand around his chest and towards his neck. He touched every single one. Some didn't hurt, while others left a tingling sensation for a few seconds.

He sighed loudly and started to wash his face and clean himself up. He does not remember much from last night. He remembered most of the games, and the teasing messages between him and Patrick. He remembered that he had to kiss the others or drink. He rubbed his head again before he walked back into his bedroom. He walked over to his dresser and found his favorite turtleneck, black hoodie and black sweatpants. Once he was finished getting dressed, he slipped on his shoes, grabbed his phone, keys, and wallet. He walked out of the dorm and decided to head to his car. Once he arrived at his car, he unlocked the door and got in.

"I don't remember much, but I cannot look at Patrick right now. Who am I kidding, I cannot look at any of those boys right now." Neo talked to himself while he turned on his car and turned on his disassociation playlist. He sits there pondering. Why am I running away? I am not in pain, so we didn't do anything drastically... But again, my body is covered in his art. I can't stop thinking about him. What did he do to me. Why does my heart hurt. He groans loudly in frustration and slammed his hand repeatedly into the steering wheel.

"Ouch FUCK!" He screams while holding his hand. He forgot about the burn on his arm, and with him slamming his hand on the wheel, it didn't help much. He typed in an address on his phone and decided to go out for a while today.

Back at the dorm Arc, James, and Patrick slept peacefully. It took Patrick about another hour before he started to wake up. He groaned before stretching. He smiled warmly before heading into the bathroom. He did his morning routine and decided to peek into Neos bedroom. He was not in bed. He also saw the note he left on the desk still, but the Advil bottle was gone. He sighed before going back to his room and found his phone. He couldn't help but feel like he fucked up. He tried to stop but with Neo begging for more he didn't know what to do.

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