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I sat down in front of the mirror and stared into my own eyes.

"Are you still here?" Colby asked now leaning on my chair a little bit.

"Yes," Sam responded.

"Are you the same spirit as before?" Colby asked.

"Yes," sam replied, "some."

"Are there more of you now?" Colby asked looking around the room a little.

"Yup," sam responded.

My surroundings started to move a little bit and I continued to stare.

"Are you going to show yourself to Lex?" Colby asked.

"Lexi?" Sam said in a confused voice.

"Yeah, Lexi." Colby responded a little confused.

"Pretty," sam said, "sure."

"Are you seeing anything Lexi?" Colby asked still looking at sam.

"My surroundings are moving, they look like they are spinning around me very slowly. Like the stairs are towards the top and they look very stretched out." I said not braking my stare.

"You're...seeing?" Sam said spaced out and saying the last word with another confused tone.

"Yeah, she is, is that you doing that?" Colby asked looking towards sam, "if anything else happened tell me"

"Okay," I said tilting my eyes a little again.

"No," sam said quickly, "he"

"Who is he?" Colby said standing back straight up.

"The one" sam said quick again.

"The one, who?" Colby asked wanting a clear answer.

"Shadow people," sam responded.

When he said that my surroundings started to fade away and I leaned forward to see better. Colby put his hand on my shoulder making sure I was okay.

"I'm good, but my surroundings are completely gone now, they faded away." I said staring into the mirror.

"Be carful okay," Colby said taking his hand off my shoulder.

"Yeah I will be," I said not letting my eyes leave the mirror everything still black besides me, still sitting in a chair.

"Scared?" Sam said like he was asking a question.

"A little," Colby answered.

"Hahaha," Sam said with a real laugh, "to far."

"Okay, I didn't like that." Colby said stepping back then quickly moving back up.

*Colby's Pov*

"Cant," Sam said, "return."

"Okay this is getting a little creepy," I said my heart in my stomach.

"Their mine," Sam said with a small grin.

"Who is yours?" I asked before thinking.

"Pretty, and," Sam said turning his head towards me.

"None of us are yours, you are not aloud to attach yourself to anyone," I said looking at the camera facing me and Sam.

"Late," Sam said looking back at the ground.

"You can't attach yourself, you cannot go home with us," I said again.

"She's gone," Sam said slightly rocking back and forth.

I didn't like this one bit, I was trying to think of what Lexi told me but I was getting scared. I did t know who we were talking to any more and hand no clue of their intentions.

"The lady in the mirror is gone?" I asked crouching down.

"Both," Sam said still rocking back and forth.

"There is two lady's in the mirrors?" I asked very confused.

"No," Sam said, taking a hand off of the spirit box and rubbing it on his knee.

"Then who?" I asked turning my head to look at Lexi. She had sat straight back up and was in a trance with the mirror.

"Them," Sam said, my head turning back towards him.

"Do you mean the other spirits?" I asked looking at the camera.

"No," Sam said still rocking very slightly now.

"Are you okay Lexi?" I asked turning my head back to her.

"Uh huh," she said without hesitation or telling me what she was seeing.

"No," Sam said a grin again, "mine."

"Lexi isn't yours," I said standing back up, "I'm gonna take him out of this."

"Don't touch!" Sam said louder than the other words, "my body...mine."

"Sam isn't yours either," I said pausing in fear before tapping Sam on the shoulder.

"Not gonna work," Sam said stopping rocking and turning his head towards me.

I took the head phones off of him and took the bandanna off of him.

"Yo, Sam! Sam, are you okay?" I asked crouching in front of him.

"What? What's wrong?" Sam said rubbing his eyes, "where is Lexi?"

"She is over there, are you okay?" I asked placing my hands on his shoulders.

"Kind of, I got really into it, and started seeing things, like what Lexi did," Sam said looking up at me and then hugging me tightly.

"Let me go check on Lexi," I said when Sam pulled back from the hug, "take some time getting out of the Estes okay, that was terrifying."

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