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*lexi Pov*

As Colby took a step back, my surroundings started changing again. It was what looked like brown stone, or dirt.

My reflection then slowly formed into someone standing, someone who looked like me.

"I'm gonna take Sam out of this okay, angel?" Colby said still next to me.

"Okay, I'm gonna continue staring," I said, then Colby's laugh faded until I could no longer hear him.

After a few minutes for dead silence and staring at my reflection just standing there, I realized that I could no longer hear anything.

Sam and Colby were directly behind me, and this was a hotel, that is always making sounds. Wether it's people, the building, or ghost, why couldn't I hear anything?

I turned my head around to see
If I could see them, and that's when I saw it.

The same thing from my images from earlier, the strange shadow creature.

I looked around the room to try and find Colby but it was just more dirt. I was no longer in the hallway. I was in this cave or tunnel system, just dirt walls, me, my reflection, and this creature.

I turned back around to see if I could find Colby but there was just the same tunnels of dirt. Except my reflection that was standing had disappeared. I ran forward to one of the turns to see if the boys were just hiding but nothing.

I turned around again to see if I could see them but that Sam creature was still about 15-20 feet behind me but closer then before.

My stomach started to drop and I realized I was alone, in a dirt maze with this creature.

"What do you want with me!?" I shouted looking away from this, thing.

"You.." It said with a long pause before answering.

"You can't have me! You can't hurt me! You can't attach yourself to me!" I shouted back.

"*laughter* wanna make a bet?" It said with a evil laugh and I could just feel it's evil smile.

"NO I DON'T JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I shouted now looking at the ceiling.

"That's a shame, what about your friend's?" It said crawling into my view. I quickly moved my head and covered my eyes.

"NO! Just leave us alone!" I said with tears now running down my face.

"Why would I do that? Your boyfriend is just as pretty as you," it said sounding like it was right in front of me.

"Why are you doing this!?" I asked still covering my face.

"Why wouldn't I, your the perfect friend for me. Plus your a gorgeous one." It said before a muffled voice came echoing through the tunnel.

"Are you okay Lexi?" It asked, it sounded like Colby and I knew it was.

"COLBY! HELP!" I shouted not moving my hands.

"Uh huh" the creature replied with a almost perfect impersonation of me. Not speaking to me but Colby's muffled echoing voice.

I started breathing really fast and heard the muffled voice again.

"Lexi? Don't play around, It's time to go," I heard colby say.

"Dumb boy," the creature said with his eerie voice with an angry tone.

"COLBY!" I screamed again.

"He can't hear you," the creature said next to me.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled still covering my face.

"Fine, I'll find him instead," it said, I could still feel his evil smile. Then I heard him crawl away.

Him? Who was he referring to? I thought a few minutes later when I started to breath again.

I waited what felt like an hour in silence except for my tears. When I finally moved my hands so I could see I noticed it was pitch black now.

The light was gone and I was stuck on the dark, in fear and confusion.

I sat there curled up for a while looking around and crying still before I stood up.

"COLBY!?" I shouted into the dark more tears falling when I said his name.

"SAM?!" I shouted in the opposite direction.

I screamed when no one responded. I was so alone and hearing my voice echo just made it worse.

"HELP!" I shouted falling down to my knees and sobbing, my voice echoing again.

"What are you doing here?" I heard a kind, caring voice ask.

"I don't know, I just want to go home!" I shouted still curled up in a ball not wanting to look.

"It's okay, you're safe" it responded fulling me with a sense of safety.

"W-who are you?" I asked my eyes peaking out slightly.

"My name is Astrid, I'm your spirit guide, but you aren't supposed to be here yet," Astrid said, i peaked my entire head out to see her and she was beautiful. She was in her early 20s.

She was slightly glowing and had an older princess like dress on. It was light blue like Cinderella, but way smaller.

"A spirit guide?" I said standing up to face her, she was basically the same highly as me, a little taller but I assumed she had heels on.

"Yes, it is my job to guide you with your gifts and guide you through this life." She did like this was a normal thing.

"Gifts?" I said wiping away my tears.

"Yes, if you can't tell your a medium," she said with a smile.

"Medium, wow...I could have figured that out." I said smiling back.

"Let's get you back home now okay," Astrid said placing her hand on my face and wiping a tear.

"Thank you," I said then Astrid leading me away into the darkness.

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