Chapter 9

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>> Astrid Palace, Northern Capital<<

The Duke and his entourage then made their way into the Astrid Palace, a structure of comparable size to the Carlyle castle in the southern capital. The palace boasts remarkable architecture and is internally divided into four sections: the residence of the Duke, administration tower, a military area, and a magic tower.

The northern region, characterized by vast expanses, is rich in resources. The economies of both the north and south thrive on the mana mine owned by the Dukedom. Virtually everything in the north falls under the dominion of the dukedom, including mana fuel, minerals, diamonds, rare metals, gold, and silver, making them exceptionally affluent compared to their southern royal counterparts.

Upon the duke's arrival at his residence, the servants lined up outside the entrance hall and found themselves in a delicate position. The words of their master were akin to divine pronouncements.

"Your Majesty, welcome. It was a long journey, and we are grateful for the master's safe return," Alex, the dukedom's butler, greeted the Duke with a warm welcome on his face.

"Hm... A word in my office, Alex, but not you three together." Sebastian cast a warning glint to the generals, signaling them not to follow him, as he intended to have a private conversation with his trusted butler.

The generals were about to object when the duke dismissed them, but Alex had already instructed them to leave.

When it comes to managing the affairs of the duchy, Alex is a highly influential figure in the Astrid castle. He inherited the title of butler from his father, a position that their family's ancestors had held for many generations, serving as the loyal vassals of the Guardian. This legacy bestowed nobility and wealth upon them, ensuring their continued loyalty to the Astrid duchy.

As Alex entered his office, he found the duke engrossed in reviewing paperwork.

"Alex, tell me about Lady Rachel's activities and how she has become so closely connected with the noble families in the north."

The butler was taken aback by the duke's sudden question. He speculated, 'Could it be that he is concerned about the safety of the crown princess, given Lady Rachel's growing support from the noble families in the north?'

"To answer His Majesty, Lady Rachel has seamlessly integrated into the noble families of the north. She has formed an alliance with the Marques Van Leyn family, a vassal of Your Majesty, as detailed in my letters. The famous and unique business concept, offering a myriad of items, was established by them, along with Lady Anne Van Leyn and the young Marques."

"Yes, I am aware of their business ventures. Apart from her flourishing business, does Lady Rachel involve herself in any conflicts or engage in disinformation campaigns against the southern royal family?"

"With Your Majesty's permission, I shall provide information gathered by the shadow knights who have been monitoring her for the past six months."

The duke nodded, granting permission for Alex to proceed.

"Lady Rachel has not displayed any inappropriate behavior. In fact, she employs common people in her company, providing them with decent jobs. Additionally, she donates a portion of her profits to the temple to help feed hungry children. Her noble friends also contribute, and she personally prepares meals for them. Your Majesty, the northerners hold Lady Rachel in high regard and appreciate her."

"Hmm, something feels off. We must continue observing her. It could be a strategy to gain control of the north and use it against the southern royal family." The duke tapped his finger in thought.

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