Chapter 4

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King Joseph was compelled to acquiesce to Duke Sebastian's directive, fueled by the fear that any weakening of the south's power might embolden Marques Camelon and other noble families to exploit the situation and challenge his authority. The king, cognizant of the Astrid dukedom's historical dominance in ruling the empire, which had contributed to the establishment of Carlyle royal power, reluctantly accepted the proposal.

Subsequently, King Joseph publicly declared the annulment of the engagement between the crown prince and Rachel, worrying about potential upheaval and power struggles if the south's influence diminished. The King promptly announced the engagement between the crown prince and Ara Monchy Clavel on the following day, causing a significant uproar in the Monchy household and adding to Rachel's humiliation during her senior year.

What was even more astonishing was that the child they had supported and nurtured in their home had betrayed their daughter Rachel. Despite the formidable status of the Monchy house, they found themselves powerless to oppose the annulment, given the backing of the mighty Duke of Astrid. Astrid's dukedom wielded unparalleled power, surpassing even that of the Carlyle Royal family.

In light of Rachel's belief in her superiority over her cousin due to their differing family statuses, the two did not share an amicable relationship. Despite Rachel being a spoiled brat, she reluctantly complied with her parents' request to cease bullying Ara and treated her as if she didn't exist.

Upon learning of the engagement news, Rachel, driven by frustration and anger, sought out Ara in the library and slapped her.

"Traitor! A normal person would not bite the hand that feeds you. You're despicable! Did you plan to steal my fiancé all along?" She kicked Ara in the stomach after delivering another slap.

Witnessing Rachel's abusive behavior towards Ara, the crown prince slapped her hard in the face.

"Presumptuous! How dare you harm the body of the future crown princess? Your actions are treasonous. I could order the imperial guards to imprison you and your family for damaging the future crown princess's body."

"Prince, no, it's not what you think. Please believe me. She did this! She seduced you and convinced you to annul our engagement. You see, she's not the person you think she is."

Rachel cried profusely and pleaded with the crown prince to believe her, casting Ara as a deceitful snake.

"Guards! Drag the Lady of Monchy out and ensure she never sets foot in the academy again. Anyone who fails to follow my order will face death as their consequence." The crown prince shot Rachel a bloodshot glare and tenderly carried Ara in his arms.

The crown prince had never regarded Rachel in that manner during their four-year engagement, leaving Rachel in disbelief at the unexpected change. Each conversation was met with indifference, receiving only simple "yes" or "no" responses. Whenever she was present, he displayed extreme disinterest on his face.

Upon returning home, her parents learned of her expulsion from the academy. Rachel spent the entire day fasting inside her locked bedroom. The scandal at the academy led to severe backlash from other noble families, treating the House of Monchy as if they had committed a heinous crime.

Fueled by her intention to take revenge on Ara, Rachel asked her maid Corine to contact a wizard on the black market. She couldn't tolerate the humiliation inflicted on her and her family.

Driven by hatred for Ara, Rachel sought poison from the wizard, planning to end her life and prevent her from experiencing the happiness she believed was stolen from her. However, her scheme unraveled when the agent she had paid for information revealed it to the crown prince.

Though the witness wasn't strong due to her slave status, Rachel Lily of House Monchy was sentenced to exile for attempting to poison the future crown princess. Lacking more convincing testimony from a noble witness, Rachel escaped the death penalty but was stripped of her title as the lady of Monchy and banished to the northern kingdom.
Despite this, her family's standing remained unchanged, thanks to their wealth and power in the southern empire

>> End of the TV Series Background Story, Transmigrator POV<<

Yikes! What an intense recollection of the scene when she watched this series in her previous life.
"Okay, Elsa [transmigrator real name from her Earth life], calm down. You were exiled, not executed, or had your neck chopped off. This is a light punishment; the royal family gives you this exception due to your family's influence in the south."

As a result, Rachel was banished, took her own life, and she's supposed to be dead. However, this body is still alive because my soul possessed it.

That implies that I have the freedom to live my life as a commoner. Although I believe this to be a severe penalty for the nobility in this time and place, for me, it's acceptable to live free of stress and drama until I return to my world.

I want to set my entire hair on fire when my soul transmigrates into this useless vessel. But no, this hair is just too gorgeous. What can I do with this beauty? Tsk tsk tsk, if this beauty could be teleported to my world, you would be so wealthy and well-known that all the men would be at your feet.

I have no idea what the future holds for this unfortunate body because your character died in the first episode of season 2. Your death caused your mother to suffer from depression, and your father joined Marques Camelon in his uprising before being put to death-on-death row. Your brother Luther colluded with the Demon King to start a bloody war in the South, and Duke Sebastian brutally killed him for it.

What a terrible outcome for the Monchy family. My passing set off the chain reaction that led to the Monchy family's demise.

Let's keep our spirits up and send Rachel's mother a letter.

What will I do here then? For a commoner like me, the house is neat and above average. It even has a garden and the feel of an aristocratic home. This reminds me of our manor in my former life. She grinned broadly and thought of something.

Wait! I've got an idea! Why don't we establish a company here and enjoy a life of luxury for the time being? Now let's consider a possible business venture.

How about constructing a department store here?
Since this is a post-medieval European setting with magic and manas, I'm confident that no one came up with this business concept.

Yes, let's carry that out. Corine and I will go to the center tomorrow to inquire about the conditions for starting a department store. In this era, this will be the first department store. She, therefore, goes to bed grinning, anticipating a better day ahead.

Corine, her personal maid, sighed in relief as Rachel slept soundly. After attempting suicide in the lake, her lady underwent a significant change. If she rescues her even a minute late, she is incapable of continuing to live. Her lady changed a lot from her mannerisms and words she's spouting that she hasn't heard of like "OMG, BFF, and LOL."

She became a sweet and kind person, and her beauty shines brighter as she no longer uses heavy makeup. She is very happy these days and she found her different face reactions so cute. She can't believe that her lady wakes up from death and becomes a different person. She's no longer the previous lady that she serves who's always angry and ruthless. It seems as though she is carrying another soul inside of her.

"Perhaps you will turn out to be a good person after you come back from death." This is how Corine felt, and she was glad to see her lady return. Corine was kind to her and treated her like a sister. I'm her BFF, just like the lady said. She gave her lady a smile and tucked the blanket around her.

The following morning, while they were in the government building waiting for the permits, she bumped into a woman with glistening blue hair.

"I'm sorry I ran into you; it was foolish of me not to look in the direction I was going." Rachel collected the papers on the ground while sincerely giving her apologies to the lady.

"I myself also was not aware that you are there and collided with you." The lady with the blue hair accepted her apology, but when Rachel looked her in the eye, Anne almost gasped in amazement at how stunning the woman was whom she had run into.

A tiny face the size of her brother's hand, with sparkling ash-blond, pink hair, crystal blue eyes as bright as the sky, supple red lips, and a petite proportional body.

When Rachel gave the stranger lady a smile, Anne almost gasped for air.  She looks familiar.

Where have I seen her?


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