Chapter 9 - Izan

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Verena was more trouble than I thought. She was so painfully innocent but could also be a handful and an annoying minx. 

When she said that she was of legal age, my mind went south with my dirty thoughts. I groaned when I tried to control myself from doing things I might regret later on. 

Nothing was predictable with her, and she had not been here for more than a day. I didn't catch my breath to relax. So, imagine my panic attack when I didn't feel Alvaro on my bed at three in the morning.

I jumped from my bed with the gun in one hand, ready to use it if I had to. I checked my bathroom first, but it was empty. I left the room and was about to get down when I remembered Verena. I needed to get used to her presence.

What if...

No, she saved him.

I looked at her door, and it was slightly ajar. I opened it slowly and sighed in relief when I saw Alvaro between her arms. 

I put the gun on the table and sat on the chair beside the bed. They were both sound asleep and suddenly, all of this week's stress crashed down on me. I found it difficult to keep my eyes open. I should have gone to my room, but my legs didn't move, so I gave in and closed my eyes for a few seconds.


"No, Alvaro. Por favor!" I heard a soft voice say, and my eyes fluttered open to a sight I could have prevented if I had just gone to my room. "Buddy, hand it to me," Verena pleaded with a tight smile.

My gaze fell on Alvaro's hands. He was holding my gun. 

"Alvaro," I wanted to shout but knew it would scar him, so I said as calmly as possible, "Dame el arma. No es un juguete." [Give me the gun. It's not a toy.]

Panic was building up in my chest, kicking it with a mighty force, when he waved the gun so carelessly. The safety was off. 

Fucking hell.

"Alvaro, can you put the gun down so we can play something else?" Verena tried to reason, her hands in midair, but Alvaro laughed loudly, oblivious to the danger.

"But I want to play with this. I'm like a cool man. Look, like this," he pointed the gun at her and pulled the trigger. 

My body moved on its own when I pushed her to the floor the moment shots were fired. She screamed, and Alvaro gasped in fear. Time stopped for a moment until I breathed. 

Verena pushed me off her with tears in her eyes and ran to him. "I, sorry..." my little brother cried, and I instantly checked his small hands. They were red and bruised, with no blood in sight, and I hoped nothing was broken. "It hurts," he whimpered as he tried to lick his hands, but she stopped him.

"Buddy, Alvaro... Look at me!" she instructed, now with clear determination and dry tears. He hiccupped, trying to swallow his pain. I took the gun and strapped it in my waistband. "It will be okay. We'll take you to the doctor. You'll be okay," she whispered as she carried him outside.

How can I be so stupid? 

So reckless?

So careless?

Fuck my life.

"Camila can see me. She's a doctor," Alvaro remarked weakly, and Verena nodded, looking at me to lead the way. I texted Camila to let her know we would be at the hospital. 

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