Chapter 23 - Izan

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"Eat," I demanded when I saw that Vera didn't touch her plate as she furiously typed on her laptop. She glanced at me with a sheepish smile and continued working like I didn't just talk to her.

Although she was eating better nowadays, she was still too skinny. A few more pounds would be great for her health. She was beautiful either way, but it was not about appearances. Her well-being mattered more.

Fucking hell.

I held her spoon in one hand, grabbed her chin in the other, and made her open her mouth. I was careful not to hurt her. She was delicate as a flower. "Open." 

She opened her lips without hesitation, making me have unholy images in my mind. 

She was very attractive but also so innocent. She was a walking contradiction, and I couldn't stay away from her. I didn't want to stay away.

"It's so good! Did you make it?" she asked as she chewed slowly. I rolled my eyes because she knew I always cooked our meals. 

I had the money to hire the best chef in the world, but I didn't like a stranger wandering around my house. It was too intimate, and I liked my privacy.

"We need to visit one of our offices downtown today," I told her while eating from my plate. I kept feeding her, seeing as this was one of her favorite activities to do together. 

I didn't mind pampering her.


"A business partner from Saudi Arabia is coming to visit Papa, and we need you to speak to him and translate to us. The last time he came to visit was years ago, and we had someone translate what he said through a phone call. It wasn't convenient for both parties." 

I tried so hard not to curse that day when the translator mixed up a few important words, resulting in miscommunications. It almost cost us our partnership.

"What is the nature of this business?" she asked, typing some words in Arabic on her laptop.


She snapped her head at me with wide eyes and mouth agape. "Dang, you guys are extremely wealthy!"

"That's why I told you to use my credit card."

She laughed, and I didn't bother glaring at her. She was immune to everything I did. "Not a chance. I like spending my own money." After she got her first payment, she wanted to return the card, but I refused. 

It was still with her, but she didn't use it, irritating me beyond words.

Anyone else would have jumped at this opportunity and bought anything they ever dreamed of, but Verena was not anyone.

"When will we be leaving?"

"I was hoping soon since the meeting is in an hour," I replied, and she jumped from her seat. I grabbed her arm and made her sit back down. "Finish your food first."

"Yes, Dad," she said with so much sass.

I smirked and replied, "I prefer Daddy."

She gave me a confused look, and I fought everything in my body not to laugh. "I am not a child, so Dad makes more sense, no?" she innocently asked, and I couldn't hold my laughter in any longer. 

She gasped when she saw me tremble. "You're laughing! It's nice to see you laugh, but you're laughing at me! What did I do?" I laughed harder, and she pulled back a bit and frowned. "If you want me to call you Daddy that badly, I will. You're creeping me out..."

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