Chapter 2 - The unexpected meet (part 2)

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Akshit's Pov

Busy days are my favorite kind of days. Since the day I returned from London, I've been eagerly awaiting an opportunity like this. Now that it's at my doorstep, I can't let it slip through my fingers. Such significant cases are rare, and leading them is even more rewarding.

It's been four months since I returned to my country and my family after spending five years in London. I went there to study Law, and after graduation, I joined one of the prestigious firms there. I was already practicing as a junior associate. After a year and a few months, I decided to return to India and work here. I joined one of the biggest and most prestigious firms here as well because I never doubted my potential. And now, I'm here, working hard on the recent case, so I can be well-prepared for the big case coming up soon.

This case involves one of the biggest merchants in Bangalore. Not only professionally but personally it's important to me for dangerous but thrilling reasons. It's an opportunity for me to prove myself here and reach a significant position in the firm. To secure this case, I must win the current case I am working on. Giving my best is the only option left for me, and I would be lying if I said I am not enjoying the thrill.

Being around my family after such a long time, I couldn't help but reflect on how much I had missed them and how much they have missed me.

Maa (mother) is the heart of our home; everything is just right with her around me and the family. She's always the light in the darkness. Dadu and dadi (grandparents) are the funkiest people to be around and the best part of my childhood. Shruti has always been my partner in crime. Our relationship is a mix of fights and laughter woven together. She is the sweetest member of the family, and I doubt there's anyone sweeter in the world. Baba (father) is the pillar of the family, but our relationship has always been one of discipline and emotionless small talks. Over the years, I've wanted it to get better, but never mind.

Working hours at the firm were over, so I headed towards home. I am often the tardy, party-boy, night owl, but with the pressure, I know how to prioritize and be disciplined. I reached home, and the shock on my family's faces was so apparent that they didn't even attempt to conceal it. After all the questions and explanations, I went upstairs and got fresh for dinner. Everyone, except Maa, was at the dinner table, seated. I sat and called Maa to join us after she served me my food. We were all eating when Shruti started asking everyone about their day and eventually asked me to tell about mine.

"How was your day, bhai (brother)?" she asked.

"Fine," I said.

"Thoda jyada bol diya tune (You've said a bit too much). Thank you. I am blessed now."

"God may bless you with a brain, chirkut," I teased her.

"I don't want to waste my time talking to you, Chintu." After a pause, she continued. "Well, maa, you know Tiara?"

"Obviously, she is your best friend, after all. What happened to her? Tia beta is fine, I hope?" Maa asked.

"Not very. So, the pipes of her building broke down, and now there can be a renovation happening, so she needs a place to stay. She can't go home due to work here. I asked her to stay here, but she refused, as you know how she always refuses help from others," Shruti replied.

Before maa could say anything, I started. "How can you ask a stranger to stay at your house like this? What if she is some fraud?"

"For God's sake, bhai, she is my best friend," she said, emphasizing the word "best friend."

Then maa started before I could reply to her. "Haan (yes), Akshit, she is a good child. Everyone here knows her." Dadu, dadi, and baba even confirmed that.

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